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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 4 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Yeah, I do that on every run.  Just saying I know my limits, so I rarely fall.

    That’s just a weird thing to say in my opinion. I know my limits to, and I’ll make a run on the same hill 20 times, but I might fall one of those times when I hit a bump, and just messes me up on the line or just catch an edge.

    That’s not about knowing my limits. That’s just shit happens. I know some amazing amazing skiers and I’ve seen them all take a fall from time to tone over a weeks vacation.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    I operate under the premise that there is no gold medal for old people skiing.

    Attacking the mountain is what skiing is about. Each run is a challenge between me the hill, the bump, The line, and the trees.

     I’m not looking for a gold medal. I’m looking for the self satisfaction that I Skied the line well.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, Johnny Chimpo said:

    Double blacks are all about the snow conditions. Spring conditions, ok, powder day, hell yes. All the rest is a serious judgement call. 

    Yep soft snow, I'm in on a good double black.  Thin cover, no fresh, or it's hard pack, no bueno.


    2 hours ago, texasdago said:

    Its funny... I went throuh a bit of a lull where I wasn't touching anything that was a double diamond even though I used to when younger.  Now I'm starting to go back on them and enjoy them despite past ski injuries... neither of my past injuries were on challenging terrain, just screwed up situations really.  So, I'm willing to push mysef... just don't want to do it alone since I don't want to end up in a bad situation with no one there to help me.  That's the hardest part... everyone in the family is blue/green although one son is starting to slowly hit easy blacks.  

    Yeah the son will, make you feel your age damned quick. My son "allows" me to keep up with him. He can smoke me in a minute when he wants to. Me 59, him 29.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    9 hours ago, texasdago said:
    Yeah, sometimes accidents happen.  I had a guy collide with me in France.  Just happened.  Not an overly challenging run. End result was the knee injury I described earlier. Had nothing to do with staying within my abilities

    A collision with someone else is a different story. I'm talking about running out of talent.

    I've always worked on the premise, if you didn't fall some you weren't pushing yourself.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Just now, Sam Lin said:

    I think it's a euphemism.

    Well yeah,  but meaning making a force cut in the line or the guy who's the first one to do the zipper thing right, and move to the intersection point at the front of the line  ?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Don't let your ego convince you that you're a better skier than you are and you aren't going to break shit like that. I can count on one hand the number of times i have fallen in the past 10 years on one hand.

    You, might not break in the same way, but shit happens on the slopes.  I know my limitations, but I'm always pushing it a bit.  I missed cracking my kneecap on a tree in January by about 2".

  7. 2 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    Did a wrist about like that once in college.  Friend’s girlfriend put the trip together and brought several hot friends.  Tried to show off for the hotties and do a helicopter off the last big mogul at the bottom of the run. Both bindings released during takeoff.  Poles were in the ground.  Body kept going, arms stayed behind.  One pole snapped in half and undortunately the other pole held its ground.  Multiple breaks and pretty significant ligament damage.  That thumb/wrist still isn’t right.

    Great story though.

  8. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    60-70% of their munitions we're undetonated something completely absurd enough for the US DOD representative to be comfortable sharing that. 

    And submarines. I'm not convinced that they have a free range sub that we don't have eyes on. I know we talk a lot about not being able to deal with them after launch, but the easiest way to stop a nuke is before, during or right after launch. I don't think we talk about our capability there for very obvious reasons, but that's a MUCH easier thing to stop, the hard part is the surveillance and quick action on launch, not the intercept, which becomes near impossible pretty quickly and only becomes possible again at the re-entry phase basically. 

    I don't want to play nuclear chicken, but if they are using chemical weapons and committing rampant genocide how many fucking signs do we need before they are going to use a tactical lower yield nuke? It's almost certainty at this point.


    I've read some stuff that says their subs are as good if not quieter than ours. I take those articles with large grains of salt. I have little faith in Russians doing anything of quality except vodka, and caviar.

    I'd agree with most everything up till the use of a battlefield nuke. I think that's a gamble they don't have the balls to use. At that point it does become the entire world vs them, and NATO would have a retaliation move up their sleeve.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Johnny Chimpo said:

    One of my friends got that same ski boot fracture in Jackson hole around 2013 or so. It’s a hell of a hill. 

    Welp.... so much for going to JH.....

    Imagine that break above the boot.

  10. My buddies lower leg ending his week at Jackson Hole. Said he was just finishing a run in one of the bowls, and was just hitting a small run out gully.

    2 clean, and complete breaks just above the ankle, almost surprised they didn't go compound. The boot kept 'em in place for the most part.  He's a big guy, so he hits the hills, and bumps pretty damn hard.



  11. On 4/8/2022 at 11:17 PM, Hate said:

    It's been said before, but the worst part of it is the preparation.  You're asleep for the actual procedure.  I had one three years ago so I'm not due for a while.  At least I have a bidet for the next time.  I didn't have one for my first colonoscopy.  It would have been helpful.

    Spending the afternoon on the sofa, and toilet after the first Suprep cocktail yea haw !!

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ag with kids said:

    I think this is a subject that could go CR REALLY quickly...

    But...not trying to do that, basically what you're proposing is some kind of price controls on housing, which opens up a huge can of worms that WILL go CR if the discussion gets too much into them.

    Yeah, but it shouldn't but money always ends to politics in someway.  I know, and I'm not a fan of price controls typically.  First time, potential home buyers are being priced out of just but every market.  Seems like that needs to be addressed somehow.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Ag with kids said:

    This could be ripe for HUGE abuse.

    Buy for $300K...don't live there.  Market price goes up to $500K.  Restricted to 10% profit, you sell for $330K.  I buy for $330K, live there for required period then sell for $500K and make a $170K profit even though the market price didn't increase AND I needed $170K less for investment.

    Sure there's always an angle.  Housing costs should have some kind of formula tied to the cost of living, wages, and how they rise, and fall as an at least regional  average.  

    Of course it's above my pay grade to figure out a way it could work, but the same kind of smart  people who could figure out how to scam it could figure out how to make is more scam proof.  And should housing maybe not be tied to market value ? I'd say there are other indicators prices could be tied to.. maybe ?

  14. 43 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    thanks to @Ag with kids and @Onboard 2.0 for the engineering lesson.


    Anyway, I heard a story on the radio where a reporter pretended to be an interested buyer in one of those multi million dollar apartments in manhattan. As the various real estate agents were showing her around a handful of different apts in different buildings, she realized that the buildings seemed practically empty. She asked about it, and the agents said that practically all the owners don't live there, and rarely, if ever, even stay a night. The apts are basically a way for uber rich people, including a lot of foreigners, to park money in the US.


    So we have thousands (tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?) of empty apartments sitting unused in a city where finding an affordable apt is impossible. And more sky scrapers being built that will end up being nothing more than a collection of savings bonds for billionaires. 


    Something ain't right.


    Yep, speculating on residential real estate shouldn't be going on. It's pricing people out of home ownership artificially. Seems like unless you personally don't live in the domicile you shouldn't be able to make more than a token profit from the sale.

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