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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. I’m down for $5 more to do it twice.
  2. Daughter was a French literature major at William & Mary with minors in Political science, and had a sweet job lined up at Capital One before she graduated. A Liberal arts degree is a valuable one if you use it correctly. The movie Max Dugan Returns Jason Robards plays Max Dugan the Returning, wayward, father. He , and his grandson, played by Mathew Broderick are discussing college degrees. Max Dugan suggests philosophy Mathew Broderick: Can you make money with a degree in philosophy Mr. Dugan? Max Dugan: Oh yeah, if you have the right one .
  3. Uhhh… it’s right so good and stuff….
  4. Mother fuckers who put a lime in my politely requested vodka, tonic with a LEMON... NOT a lime please.
  5. Wow, Is my sar-caz-o-meter 2000 on the fritz ?
  6. Onboard 2.0


    You should have one no later than 45 regardless of your family history.
  7. NC State has always been a bargain.
  8. He's right... those fuckers with green in their hands always get better treatment.
  9. So was the campus in jeopardy of tipping over with all that weight ?
  10. ....and sexless....
  11. Onboard 2.0


    Have a history of colon cancer in our family so I kind of demanded one earlier than they typically do the procedure. The found 3 polyps the first time, 6 the last time, so I'm betting there'll be more Tuesday, hopefully benign.
  12. Yep caught behind the guy who moves his car half way into the lane to keep people from properly zippering into traffic. There’s always one
  13. Onboard 2.0


    Tuesday morning… riding the silver stallion. Mondays gonna suck.
  14. Have your seen what the average Russian male looks like ? They aren't gettin a lot of voluntary action. This was probably touted as a sex tour to some of those conscripts. Yes I'm burning in hell for making light of rape.
  15. And in CA. it's a fire rated material (allegedly) as it will only smolder and char, very tough to burn it. Marine grade plywood really only performs in the vertical I believe. Nice fucking trailer....
  16. Oh yeah, I remember seeing that one. The footprint, and prep was incredibly tedious because of the sliver of a building footprint. They had a blow out of a form or concrete feed tube. You gotta have your balls screwed on tight to run that job as a superintendent.
  17. Arrrrrrrrrrrgh......
  18. The mass dampening systems counteract lateral force, wind related, sway in a high rise. That whole equal and opposite reaction thingy I believe. It reduces the maximum amount of sway to keep it in the acceptable range for people. Women are more acutely aware of building sway for some reason.
  19. Sailing, but if there are wenches about ……
  20. Sub sonic bullet, meet Putins brain pan Lord, hear our prayer Well timed missile meet Putin in his dacha Lord, hear our prayer Opportunistic garrote around Putins neck Lord, hear our prayer Die, you bastard die Lord, hear our prayer Aaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn.....
  21. A surly bear ?
  22. Naaaah, I wanna be a pirate.
  23. I can understand (but don't agree with) Chamberlains attempt at mollification, and peace. (SEE: WWI).
  24. Massive hydraulic, damping systems in the tower counteract sway. They probably have a few floors blocked off for several of them.
  25. Yep all true., AH Robbins family. Robitussin is how they made their initial strike it rich dollars. Big frat school, good football program, spotty basketball thru the years, but definitely a typical private school student base: frats, daddies money, and BMW's. Have a very good friend who came out as gay to his parents right after HS. They're Jehovahs witnesses, and threw him out of their home. Richmond gave him a full 4 year ride with full time housing the entire time he was enrolled, so I've always given them high marks for that.
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