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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 7 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    An analogous situation is Jersey Students.  Because New Jersey only has Rutgers (Princeton is basically impossibe to get into), the East Coast is swimming in kids from NJ.  Both Public and Private.

    University of Richmond is really the university of N.J. south campus.  $45 or more tuition, a beautiful, gothic campus in the suburbs of Richmond, Va., and BMW's as far as the eye can see.

  2. Just now, tchookem said:
    17 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:
    And you're underestimating him.  He said communism is bad, and did something about it thru increased military spending, throwing Star Wars on the table. Calling out the leaders of the Soviet union in public with blunt in your face comments.  That's a cliffs note version of some of his strong points. He definitely had some issues, but on his rhetoric, and actions regarding the Soviet Union, he led the charge to bury them.

    You're mistaking being president when these things happened for being the mastermind behind those things. He was the face (I did say communicating was his strength), but he was never the brains. That goes for the good things and the bad... except the grifting. Adjusting for inflation, when it comes to grifting, he may have had Trump beat

    No, those were his acts, his words, and Star Wars was his shiny toy.  He's the one who told, Gorbachov to tear down the wall.  Not sure what you're trying to say. Reagan had a vision and it was anti communist and he did everything he could do to annoy, expose, and defeat them.

    The secret to a good CEO is to surround yourself with people who carry out your plans. You don't have to be the smartest, you have to be smart enough to know to delegate. Mr. Carter one of the smartest presidents was a micromanager, which you can't be as a president.  I voted for Mr. Carter in my first presidential election.

  3. Just now, Woland said:

    He also damn near got us into a nuclear war… which is a good example that foreign policy is a fucking messy endeavor and always comes with unforeseen consequences. The future is always a tough gamble. It’s easy to judge past actions.

    He did ?  Which event was that ?

  4. 2 hours ago, Satchel said:

    I was dubious, so I dug deeper:

    Key findings of the survey include:

    • Texas Tech ranks in the top 10 (#9) among corporate recruiters nationwide as the school with the best-trained, educated, and able to succeed once hired graduates.

    • More than 9 in 10 recruiters say Texas Tech does an excellent job preparing students for the workforce. When asked directly, 8 in 10 recruiters say the school does an even better job compared to other universities.

     If you're gonna drop large coin on college, make damn sure where you're going creates marketable, and highly, sought after graduates.

  5. 1 hour ago, tchookem said:



    I think you're still giving Reagan too much credit. The more I learn about Reagan the more I see him as Trump with better communication skills and the ability to pick smarter (but equally shitty) people. I'm sure he distrusted the Russians, but it was just the run-of-mill Commies are bad ideology that everyone believed. I don't think he had any great insight that wasn't fed to him by his smarter (but equally shitty) underlings.

    TLDR - Reagan was a figurehead and a tool used by shitty people to do shitty things.


    And you're underestimating him.  He said communism is bad, and did something about it thru increased military spending, throwing Star Wars on the table. Calling out the leaders of the Soviet union in public with blunt in your face comments.  That's a cliffs note version of some of his strong points. He definitely had some issues, but on his rhetoric, and actions regarding the Soviet Union, he led the charge to bury them.

  6. On 1/5/2022 at 8:49 PM, CooterBrown said:

    Headed to London and Paris in June for 20 days.

    I’ve never been to Paris and it’s a bit overwhelming figuring out where to stay. I will have two kids in tow. I went ahead and booked a 2 bedroom apartment in the 16th about a 5 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower. I have no idea if this is a decent location. It looks like it maybe a bit too high end for our tastes. All the restaurants in that area seem to have entrees in the 30-50 euro range. Maybe that’s the going rate everywhere but I was expecting ages to be a bit cheaper. Is there a better area to experience that stereotypical cafe culture that’s still relatively close to the major tourist attractions? I can always cancel my booking for free and stay somewhere else.

    Le petite sommelier,  small bistro on the south bank of the Seinne  Amazing beef bouganian.  We are there several times, and the prices were very reasonable .  The daughter just ate there recently and agreed . 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Tex48 said:

    Anyone been to Vail or Breck recently. I have one day left on my epic pass and part of me wants to go up for a weekend in April to use it and maybe ski one more day. Is it even worth a trip at this point in the season?

    Was in Breck a couple weeks ago. If they haven’t gotten snow it’s probably getting thin.  

    Vails a bit west so they get some storms breck doesn’t. Check the snow totals for the last couple days 

  8. 3 hours ago, RPM said:

    So what do you have planned for 2 years from Friday?


    The 2024 eclipse isn’t a coast-to-coast event. But that’s a good thing. Instead of crossing over all of that difficult-to-access terrain across the width of the country, the 2024 path of totality races from southwest to northeast, entering the country in Texas and exiting in Maine. In the process, it crosses a plethora of major American cities and population centers in Texas and up through the “Rust Belt” of America.

    Along its roughly 2,000-mile trek across the country, the 2024 path of totality crosses over San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Buffalo, and many other large northern cities and state capitals. At the same time, the path also comes tantalizingly close to a profusion of other major cities from which the path can easily be reached by car — Houston, Oklahoma City, Memphis, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus, Detroit, Pittsburgh.

    The fact that the 2024 eclipse crosses over or comes close to more major cities than in 2017 means that more people than ever will have a chance to experience nature’s greatest show. The eclipse will happen, literally, in the backyards of millions of Americans. And millions more who live outside the path of totality can easily drive into it on eclipse day or take advantage of the wealth of lodging options offered by the cities located inside the totality zone. On April 8, 2024, this eclipse will supplant the 2017 eclipse as the most widely viewed in human history.


    We were in Greenville, SC for the last eclipse in the totality zone. It was cool as hell. Planning to go to the next one as well. 

  9. Putin came to power as a fully baked, ex KGB operative with delusions of grandeur, and one thing on his mind, the restoration of the Soviet empire. There isn't a damn thing the west could do to change that course.  How people gin up reasons to hate the west is mind boggling. There are enough actually dumb things it's done without making up fantasies about tea parties with Putin.

    That Putin sees Ukrainian independence as a security threat to the Soviet Union...........errrrr........Russia should tell you all you need to know about his mindset.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  10. 32 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    U.S. defense contractors were unhappy and needed more orders and so we provoked Japan to attack us. We should have had the foresight to allow Japan to successfully conquer China and kept our nose out of their business. Instead, we supported Chinese national forces which inevitably led to the fall of China to Mao and today’s peer competitor China.  All part of American forever war and the military industrial complex! 

    I see, so you're saying Pearl Harbor was an inside job.

  11. 6 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Well see man, there was this election. Actually in Russia of all places. Fairly fresh and new post-cold war shit going down. Democracy and self determination and all that. US via IMF propped up this guy named Boris with $10B cause they did not like his opponent that was polling well. The other guy was kind of a...what do you call it?  Oh, yeah.  Communist.  IMF told everyone that the funding was contingent on the commie not winning. Boris ended up closing the deal, but Boris was a total shit show and liked to walk around the streets of DC in his underwear talking about pizza.  I mean come on, we've all been there, right? So after embarrassing himself and his country, Boris picked this guy name Vlad and earmarked him as his successor. Privatization giving rise to oligarchs and shit in parallel. Boris told the US president that his good buddy Vlad was sociable and Boris got grants of immunity. So and so looked into Vlad's soul, but Vlad didn't fucking end up having one. I wish this wasn't real life, but there you go.

    Vlad has had delusions  of grandeur, and empire re building since day one. An unreconstructed communist he, and he alone is responsible for this current shitshow.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. 5 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    I was referring more to the millions of regular citizens who are still living there and recording the horrors they're facing. 

    Yep true, this war is being fought right in front of a lot of citizens, so yeah that is a big difference. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    You were watching it through the lens of CNN and the FCC.

    For the first time now anyone with a smart phone and internet can show you what they're seeing. 

    That's true, but the US army would not allow its soldiers to send smart phone videos of the war.  Ukraine probably has different thoughts on that tactic. It's been working really well for their cause.

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  14. 10 minutes ago, immamac said:

    What the fuck are you even talking about dude. 

    Find another thread this one ain't for you, you have completely derailed the last 2 pages. Start another thread or get on topic. 

    Beware the military industrial complex, and the Raytheon comment are connected in a legitimate way.  They'll make money thru arms sales that find their way to Ukraine probably.  

    Still doesn't anything to do with Putin invading Ukraine really.

  15. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    We have been lied to about every single war that we have engaged in during both your and my life times.  I don't know what that unpacking will show, and neither do you.  But I do tend towards the observation that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.  

    True , but this is one war we aren’t yet actually engaged in, and there’s not much ambiguity about whose lying about the causes, and propagation.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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