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Everything posted by VABuckeye

  1. The health thing is what makes me think no. Apparently the flareups and headaches are much worse under stress and when Urban Meyer coaches it creates a ton of stress. The man demands excellence from everyone around him. The only thing about his time at Ohio State I would criticize is some of his assistant coaching hires. He's loyal to a fault. Example. Zach Smith. Also Alex Grinch who has proven to be a DC of dubious abilities. Tim Beck as well and a couple others. Meyer would take recruiting to a level never seen before at Texas. He really knows how to sell a national brand. He'd also be likely to dominate the series with your biggest rival.
  2. Fair enough. It does seem that character came much more into play when Meyer recruited at Ohio State vs his days at Florida. Evey year there were reports of recruits that Ohio State backed off of because of character issues while Meyer (and now Day) were at Ohio State. Not surprisingly, many of those players ended up being problems at the university they ultimately chose. I personally believe this was dictated by the university after the black eye Tressel put on the program. Obviously, there was most likely increased scrutiny by the NCAA as well after Tressel.
  3. Jesus Christ enough. Show me the supposed cheating at Ohio State under Urban Meyer. Yes, he should have cut ties with Zach Smith but from a football standpoint it was a clean program. The Smith situation was not acceptable and he ended up leaving but stop with the cheating bullshit.
  4. Piedmonte region and Tuscany are my favorites. I'm starting to explore French wines a bit more. I'm pretty well versed in the Italian wines I prefer. I like California wines but cannot stand the big fruit bombs. I have a couple of cases at a friends house in Ohio from his trip to Italy last year. I need to get up there and pick them up. Next year was going to be an Italy year (we go every 3 years) but I don't see that trip happening. I generally purchase 10-15 cases there so that is a hole in my purchasing I need to fill. I can get Barone Ricasoli through a US distrbutor so I will probably pick up some Brolio and some of their Super Tuscans.
  5. I need to order wine. A lot of wine. I haven't purchased any this year and my stock is going down.
  6. So sorry to hear that SBB. We lost two within three months of each other in 2018. That was a tough end of the year for us. Still missing them.
  7. Tell the people at Secreto VABuckeye said hi. Victor will take care of your every need. Tell him what you want for lunch and when and it will be there. I'd have the whole baked fish with achiote paste one day for lunch.
  8. Show me a post I made where I find fault with them? Please. What I find fault with is harassment, destruction, looting, etc. So stop with the YOU shit because you can't point out a post of mine where I've done that and you have no clue who I am, what I stand for or what my life experiences are.
  9. You're reading into what you want to read into it. Period. Open your mind a little because your mind is closed right now. Seriously. Anyone that doesn't agree 100% with what you post is labeled by you. News flash Brisket. We're not all going to agree 100% on everything but that doesn't mean that we don't believe in the peaceful protests and what they stand for.
  10. If DSOTM isn’t top 5 material they can go fuck themselves.
  11. Fuck off. You want to correct everyone in this thread but get sand in your vagina when corrected.
  12. He was murdered in 1968. You should know this. The sit-ins and protests in the early 1970's were almost exclusively about the Vietnam War.
  13. <<<Had every ONJ album as a 13 year old in the early 70's.
  14. I was 7 years old when that happened and remember it. I had no clue WHY they were doing it but I didn't have a problem with the act either. That's a 7 year old kid in Pensacola, FL which at the time was basically east Mobile, AL.
  15. Unfortunately our society is not lacking in shitty people and shitty behaviour.
  16. I know but America right? We have the freedom to express our beliefs whether right or wrong or whether others agree or disagree.
  17. Or they just went to see a damned football game and forget about the problems plauging our society for a few hours.
  18. Full circle. Now it's being compared to the Holocaust and the inaction of oppressed and terrorized people to take action when the vast majority of them didn't even know the atrocities that were taking place.
  19. A friend does that. I'm not sure he fully undertands what the word means.
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