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Everything posted by ATexanAbroad

  1. i would skull fuck her til her puke was dripping down my balls
  2. So the show is like dating the neighborhood slut?
  3. Old thread is probably on TOS. Just now starting the show. Tell me what I need to know.
  4. my parents probably would have used it sexually on each other
  5. then say, hey, there are some dead bodies in this video. But very graphic? Its just dead people....Graphic would be gang rapes filmed live of underage adults that have taken place. Seeing relatives screaming burning alive. Americans don't know graphic and a war would shock our soft nation to the core. We cant even agree on bathrooms. Ukranians drink to the thought of russian blood spewing like a fountain.
  6. you know how I know america will never win another war, because you consider that "hardcore graphic"
  7. ALPP cratered and he ran and hid
  8. it has oklahoma in the title. You sir, can go fuck yourself. I will never it eat, not for free. Not for Kate Uptons breast milk.
  9. why do yall dislike the byrdes so much, basically theyre the story of any successful family in American History........
  10. Nice. I am not going to live in South Beach. I am looking at places in Downtown/edgewater where normal people live. My cousin has a place in SB that I can go to. I am going to slay a lot of tail overlooking the water in this place. https://biscayne.societyliving.com/ Let me know when you are in miami.
  11. @Elvis, got the job offer today for the Miami position would love to pick your brain if you know that place etc..... willing to trade booze and women
  12. Everything is about building hype and advertisement and the average american is a fot sloppy sack of shit. That being said, it is not some great movie. I abhor what the average person enjoys. I am scando. I dont really think the movie was that good. The audience ratings arent very good. It is for a reason.
  13. I am of scandanvian blood, first generation american on my mothers side. I am into the mythology but I am not sure what to think about this. Your average person is not going to like it and that makes me ecstatic but it just kind of felt like a random story that was drawn out very long without a lot of character development or anything. Like you were dropped into an alternate universe and were suppose to know what was happening. I need more time before I decide how I feel.
  14. do we know that your dad doesnt spend his sundays at glory holes on I-20?
  15. Your 8% down is down less than the overall indexes. You sold a house for a profit and bought another one. Do you think that professionals are suppose to be up 20% while the markets are down 20%? What is wrong with you. And are you retiring in the next 3 years? If not shut the fuck up and keep buying while diversifying. You are the person that every financial professional hates having to work with.
  16. wow youre a pussy. Nasdaq is down close to 20% YTD. You deserve to sweat.
  17. does anyone have a good website where I could stream the new batman?
  18. going to see it tonight in Colombia
  19. Is this code for smoking pole through a glory hole in the ozarks or something?
  20. With Dwayne Haskins? Bold move cotton well see if it works out for you
  21. There are some exemptions where you can pull out the funds but that doesn’t seem super smart. Are the IRAs in the kids name? Or does she have them in her name and how old is she? If she’s older than 59 1/2 she could withdraw from a Roth tax free and use it to pay for the school
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