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Everything posted by ATexanAbroad

  1. I enjoy getting pegged….not by the market tho
  2. UUUU duh loser but I was also 5 caipirinhas deep in Brazil on the beach and realized I sold puts so whoops
  3. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!!!! I sold Jan 23 $40 calls against my position which has a CB of $21 and they gave me 19.50 per contract. that’s 2k per contract for a 2x return in a year. What is going on.
  4. Fuck it I’m in I’ll buy when I get off the beach
  5. anybody got a steam, down brazil currently. Thank you in advance.
  6. ah ok, I though you were giving me a hard time for wanting to know
  7. So what’s the story on the hostage taker, any news released about him?
  8. AMYZF and Humbl have been moving the past couple days but don’t see any news. Anyone got a scoop?
  9. I thought he was just being a pussy. I apologized. Class of 12’ @ TEXAS. You need to calm down.
  10. Sorry I haven’t posted much. In Tierra Del Fuego and heading to Antartica tomorrow.
  11. In my defense counselor, I’m fucking 4 vodkas deep sitting in Tierra Del Fuego prepping for antartica tomorrow. User name fucking checks out.
  12. My B. I have sent you +rep and I rescind my comment.
  13. Nowhere did he “act” or say anything about are class. Are you fucking stupid?
  14. @Nueces River Rat forgot to tag you in the post above
  15. it never really is the SA experience until you have been robbed. Friend came down here, second day of his, were sitting outside, moto pops by grabbing his phone out of his hands. Bought him a beer and said "welcome to south america".
  16. IMG_5507.MOV video of the street drummers and people dancing. Edit: no idea how to load videos from my phone
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