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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. I was told it ain’t gonna be like it used to be.
  2. Amazing atmosphere. Even before the game it seemed like there was a lot of optimism from fans. Seconded on the ingress/egress that poster above stated. One thing that seemed new was the announcer starting the Texas Fight chants. I might get negged…but I actually liked it and was done at the right times in the game. Refs need to be held more accountable (wash, repeat)
  3. Woke up to this tweet. I was at the game and these were all visible from my fucking seats. Fuck that bullshit officiating.
  4. Call-in show is a classic!! https://radio.securenetsystems.net/cwa/index.cfm?stationCallSign=ZONE1150
  5. Picking up my Texas Honey Ham tacos to go with the 6-er of Mich Ultra.… ….Breakfast of people who love to watch Alabama get dragged like bitches across DKR!
  6. I genuinely can’t wait to be the most insufferable fan base in America after we win this game tomorrow. it’s time for some massive dick swinging. Fuck everyone! We’re Fucking Texas!
  7. I truly think this was my favorite play in the game. 2 Reasons - The recognition of JT to stay in the play and Ewers recognition of the line of scrimmage. Quinn's pocket presence is why I believe we hang with Bama.
  8. Yeah, but has Terry Shannon ever splish splashed on a water slide with Colten Blanton? ....Didn't think so.
  9. That came can be described in one word…….regarded
  10. God damnit I fucking love college football!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. They should whistle a false start as a make up call
  12. Big 12 refs blow the call and ruin the game. Typical
  13. Can I get a 3rd and 17 conversion for a touchdown FSU?
  14. Couldn’t happen to shittier fan base. Suck that tiger D LSU
  15. LSU not looking much like a Fa-muh-ly right now
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