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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. It's just so god damned frustrating. What more can we do? Genuinely, what more can the god damn fans of this football team do? We show up...we get loud....we give as more money than god.....we do god damned everything a fanbase needs to do to win championships. WEAK AND FUCKING TIMID.......coaches and players. See y'all at the fucking Alamo bowl where we'll win by 40 and give us all some sort of fucking hope. Fuck it all.
  2. Fucking garbage. Guy can’t pass for shit and we don’t load the box? Pete K can suck a fat fucking sick and everyone on the online can fucking transfer. Fuck all of them.
  3. Had 5 kids under the age of 12 directly in front of me. I did my extreme best to watch my profanity. I had a few ccksckr mthrfckrs that I wish I could have thrown out there.
  4. The concessions are the issue. The lines take you a solid half hour to get through. I stuck with beer, so avoided it. But god bless the people with kids that missed half the game for a water and damn pretzel.
  5. Outside of calling people retarded. I assure you any kid that was considering Tx was not turned off. regarded* is the proper use…you stupid fucking cock munching douchebag
  6. It sucks…..it sucks to lose that way. It really sucks! ….but as I sit here drinking a beer outside fair park….it was an unbelievable game, unbelievable atmosphere. A couple things break our way, it’s a win. I’m content. Texas loses no momentum by this game. It was fun…it was exhilarating and we have a very bright future with Sark.
  7. Elko will just find a New Jersey SEC ready stud….duh you stupid sip
  8. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jimbo Fisher: &quot;We&#39;re an inch or two short. We got to find them, got to figure them out and grow.&quot;</p>&mdash; TexAgs (@TexAgs) <a href="https://twitter.com/TexAgs/status/1444491318521180165?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  9. Calzada is going to get crucified. He’s just…not a good QB
  10. Ugh…if that 3 points comes back to haunt us…😔😔😔😔
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