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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. Sorry....but no fucking way does Zubia deserve player of the game. Shit we didn’t even end up needing those runs.
  2. Anybody see if that starting cavs pitcher is still strutting around like a little cocksucker?
  3. Drive a fucking yacht through this umps strike zone.
  4. Anybody else praying this jagger pitcher throws a horns down?
  5. This goober is getting calls everywhere off the plate and he’s gonna strut?
  6. Fuck Zubs....2 piped down the middle and you reach for that garbage?
  7. Just saw the cockroaches blew a 4 run lead in the 9th!!! Classic!!! Big 12 champs baby!!!!!
  8. What a gut punch. RIP Jake. Horns up forever.
  9. Aggy Chris Morris plans on leaving aggy.
  10. Can we get back to shitting on aggy? I don’t take 30 minute shit breaks at work to read all this nonsense 👆🏼 .....ahhh who am I kidding...yes I do
  11. Will you be administering the ‘ass-fucking’ as well?
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