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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. How does Manny keep getting jobs. He’s a complete failure everywhere he goes.
  2. A design run with an immobile qb. Only fucking manny d
  3. Cuck ass bitch taking a field goal. Loser mentality. Diaz is the fucking worst
  4. Manny Diaz is a cuck bitch. Duke should be winning by 14
  5. Texas by 17 after watching sign stealer
  6. Going to Texas Exes at halftime has always been a tradition with my fan group. With new SEC rules, you cannot re-enter stadium after leaving. Needless to say…not a fan. PS. The orange smoke thing is stupid
  7. Loveland seems like he could be a matchup problem. But if we hit a bomb TD early and stuff the run in 1st half…I think it’s off to the races.
  8. Link to the drunk guy that does their insane post games???
  9. And it’s goodbye to trash ass aggy in their dumb ass stadium.
  10. It’d be nice if we tried to steal bases instead of bunting every damn time. Why couldn’t we have pinch ran in the 10th. Then you don’t have to give up an out.
  11. Jesus Christ guys. Make him pitch the ball!!!
  12. I’d like to see some max wiener from our hitters this inning!
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