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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. Let’s see a Mond yank and really get this rollercoaster to the top of that hill!!!
  2. I’m ready for the Mond yank job. Let’s see Endzone Calzone!
  3. TCUs outfits (I won’t even call them uniforms) are the ugliest looking thing I’ve seen in cfb since Maryland helmets
  4. Collins & Ringo....those should be the focus. Maybe a Juco linebacker.
  5. Me when I’m thinking about this list while watching Auburn destroy aggy hopes and dreams.....
  6. At the end of the day, I’m going to really enjoy watching Bama take a fat shit on these creole eating cock gobblers. This year is their best hope to make the playoff...and it will end up like every other year...always the scummy swamp rat bridesmaid. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. Little Robby McDuff has deleted his twitter account. Adios muchacho!
  8. In that case....your players are just a bunch of fat pussies
  9. Soooo.....I'm supposed to believe that Tom Herman, who coached Trey Holtz (Skip Holtz's son), decided that he would purposefully tell administration to turn off the A/C on Skip's team.......and Skip Holtz said absolutely nothing to Tom Herman about it.....but ran off to tattle to big bad cookie crumb face? Maybe....just maybe.....your coach is getting called out for bush league cramping tactics and is trying to save face.
  10. OR....your coach is bullshitting to save face for all the bush league cramping nonsense that your ‘baws’ We’re pulling
  11. Positives: I went to the game and I got my money’s worth. We didn’t sustain any major injuries that I saw. But like real injuries, not bush league fake bullshit injuries.
  12. Sitting at the bar at Huts surrounded by LSU trash. They’re rambling about backwoods nonsense.
  13. I got a ticket!!! Let’s fuggin murder this creole eating swamp trash!
  14. #2....ugh...the biggest display of dumbfuckery I’ve ever witnessed live. UCLA was handing Chuck the game and he decided to just bumblefuck it all away. I remember some knowitall alumni telling me it will be fine and Charlie is a great coach and just give it some time. Well screw you asshole if you’re on here.
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