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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. Ornamentals. It’s 2019 sir.....Ornamental Americans
  2. Last time they thought they were gonna kick Texas’ ass they got beat by Case ‘derp’ McCoy.......on their own field.
  3. Evans is going to Bama. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind. Seen this story plenty of times.
  4. Not to mention our regular season losses were by a combined 9 points.....and 2 of them were on the road.
  5. "I think the biggest difference is my night time driving!!"
  6. Case McCoy and Justin Tucker just beat aggy again on Longhorn Network. 🤘🏼
  7. @CamBrockHCS is in for a world of aggy shit! Looking forward to the..."we's SECs....we's gots jimbos and we's tough!....don't needs no bdf"
  8. I wish he’d have just said...”I don’t think they want to play us” (and cue shit eating grin)
  9. Matt Rhule seems like a genuinely nice guy.... But fuck Baylor
  10. That's the problem with her.....she hasn't earned the right to be called aggy. She hasn't ridden the rollercoaster enough times. BUT SHE BETTER BUCKLE UP...... /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  11. Denise Richards Wildthings. Top of the list. Numero uno
  12. So you start off by saying “this is just something I heard”....but then you write this and it makes me think you’re completely full of shit. They pay...we pay....everybody pays. It’s a matter of amount and frequency.
  13. Quawk guy sounds whiney as hell and Olin can't stand the thought that Jimbo is not the best most greatest super-coach in the whole wide world. Typical delusional, ignorance is bliss aggy.
  14. Are they letting you leave the county now Bizzle? Did your charges get dropped?
  15. Pretty sure it was the Taxslayer Gator Bowl rings they earned. I mean, when those bad boys are being flashed around, what kid wouldn’t commit right then and there?
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