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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. Yeah, let's not consider that Texas and Oklahoma beat them by 12 in stroke play........but for sure, they're better.
  2. https://texags.com/forums/60/topics/3037509/replies/54316688
  4. BOOOM !!!!!! Dipshit Okie just fugged his approach!
  5. http://stream.golfchannel.com/ncaa?pid=219773 : Online Broadcast http://results.golfstat.com/public/leaderboards/gsnav.cfm?pg=match&tid=17521&rid=1 : Score updates
  6. Coody needs to get this read from dipshit Okie and put that sumabitch in!
  7. I was literally coming to write the same thing. Typical aggy
  8. Looking like we’re headed for a match up with ags or ousucks. Should be good work television tomorrow!!!
  9. Giveaway happening. My friend started an off brand golf tool company. Sorry for the shameless plug. But go sign up for free shit. https://prelaunch-golphers.kickoffpages.com/?kid=ZYQGJ
  10. FALSE......TEXAS has no interest in McGowan. Don't be a P
  11. He could only name 4!!! Bahaha! 3 OOS and a Blinn CB!🤣🤣🤣
  12. Sam kinda sucked Epps sucked Wiley really sucked Ghirmai really really sucked -Spring Game 2019
  13. I’m glad we’ve decided to settle on the 18 wheeler package as our main offensive identity.
  14. Get Ghirmai out of the fuggin game, I’m getting anxiety watching this dude derp up every damn snap.
  15. Thompson looks kinda awful. Not exactly getting much help from Oline either.
  16. Jesus H....those are horrific highlights! That feels more like a blooper real. Some of Blumricks passes looked good until they ended up in defenders arms. Just plain awful.....all of that.
  17. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/people-who-visited-college-station-restaurant-last-month-may-have-been-exposed-to-measles Lit Station is 🔥!!! .....wonder why Leah didn’t want to stick around?
  18. Brauninger is such a piece of shit. He knows damn well the kid is coming to Texas and just can’t let the words come out of his mouth. What a sore loser fck boy!
  19. Best part is when she asks: “Based on what?!” 2 answers: ”Everything” ”Brains” They just don’t want to believe that the outside world will never put them on the level with Texas.
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