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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. At least the spread is good
  2. Time for aggy to aggy. Calling the turnover.
  3. She’s Patterson is extremely unimpressive. He’s shorted so many balls today
  4. Jesus Christ....they were all doing horns down? We really do run this conference
  5. Our boys better be watching and analyzing
  6. Kyler was recruited by Spavital at aggy and left because Spav was fired. Fun fact.
  7. I God I love how shitty OUs defense is. Fucking knife through butter
  8. Those OU uniforms are fucking hideous
  9. Don't count on Rising. It's going to be Shane if anything.
  10. I'm sure the Big 12 wouldn't be stoked to watch WVU OU 2 weeks in a row
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