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Ghost of Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Ghost of Stevie Ray

  1. Did Adeoye break that dude in half? Put'em on the field.
  2. Call me crazy, but Hayes looks better than Bamba and Allen did at this point
  3. Just yelled out ‘Fuck Yeah’ in front of the whole family.
  4. Can’t find it, but aggy is passed out on wall in his own puke. Ugly aggy girlfriend hovering over him
  5. Missing puke aggy picture and The Listeater
  6. Jace Sternberger not a Mackey award finalist. Kinda bullshit.....but I still love it. Poooooooor aggy
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/AkinolaOgunbiyi/status/1063996735771549697/photo/3 I hear she’s a Blackhawks fan
  8. What the helldid I just listen to between these moron commentators? Start the game 20 seconds before alley opp and listen til commercial break. Wtf?
  9. 2017 motto: 1-0......Starts 0-1 2018 motto: Finish......Give up lead or lose in the 4th quarter numerous times. Can I suggest next year’s motto be “Don’t win a NC”
  10. Sterns fucked up two huge plays. Hasn’t learned a damn thing
  11. If I ever see a ‘wolf of DKR’ bullshit post again....I will fucking rage!!!!
  12. At the game. Fucking sickening. Defense was absolute trash. Offense played fantastic. Orlando did not earn his $100k. Today. Piss fucking poor!
  13. Kind of digging the Minnesota alternative uniform tonight.
  14. https://mobile.twitter.com/NeersBarstool/status/1053654250629332992
  15. Forrest Gump played football at Bama........advantage aggy
  16. Just makes it funnier when they lose to Wake forests and UCFs of the world
  17. There's some gold in the comments. Jesus these things are ugly.
  18. #1 in the Big 12 feels awfully good.
  19. Love Shane....but he should never start another game at Texas
  20. Wow, hugeWell holy shit.....amazing! (Heavy sarcasm)
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