In 2018, he set a record for 308 passes without an interception. His progression from 2017 where he derped to 2018 was impressive. In 2017, he was the leading rusher on the team. 2018 he was surrounded by serious talent, with Humphrey, Johnson, and a young Duvernay. He had 16 rushing TDs and was used as a battering ram. The leading rusher that year was a guy named Tre Watson. In 2019, he went toe to toe against Joe Burrow’s LSU squad. As that season progressed, the offense regressed, I think with Collin Johnson and maybe Ingram. injured. His #2 receiver was Brennan Fucking Eagles. Jake Smith didnt pan out. In 2020 covid year, he had 25 TDs to 5 ints. Bijan got 86 total carries. And his two leading receivers were Joshua Moore (who was ahead of his time with gun celebrations) and Brennan Fucking Eagles. I thought Sam got worn down, was a baller, worked with recruiting misses at receiver, and had to overcome bad defense, which was really bad in 2019.