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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. https://newrepublic.com/post/192122/trump-flailing-polls-economy-musk
  2. Luka didnt look good in jeans
  3. That’s helpful, Rimbo
  4. I love seeing movies in the theater, but… There are less movies with serious theatrical release For grownups, there are far less real movies with serious theatrical release
  5. There is almost no series that needs to be 8-10 episodes. They put filler most of the time and people just eat it up. The best stories are tight. Dune 2 was perfection. Nobody needs to know about the midichloridians or whatever details the bookfags whack off to.
  6. Trump is no Chamberlain. Chamberlain wasnt in cahoots with Hitler. Trump is aligned with Putin. Everything prior to cutting off aid was theater after they were unable to extract stuff from Ukraine before Russia takes over.
  7. Yeah, the “sex with a black guy” joke wasnt really that nuanced. Its kind of like, “no offense intended, but we have plays called Jap plays…I said no offense.” He was then implying dudes are jealous of their eskimo brothers, especially if they’re soul brothers because of the stereotype that black dudes are well-endowed. Thats about as edgy as VCR jokes. Mel Brooks think its tired. At best it’s a throwaway joke at the comedy store in Toledo. Not on an SNL monologue. He admitted it was racist, but it also wasnt funny or insightful. Bill Burr is edgy. This guy is trying to be edgy.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. We’ll see if its part of the American Airlines streaming collection. Thats always nice
  9. Ag With Kids will be Ag With Grandkids before he finally finishes shitting in this thread. We need to split his posts into three other threads to dilute its stench.
  10. There is only one party that has ever seriously championed nonpartisan redistricting policies. Welcome to the Democratic party. Glad to have you aboard.
  11. George W Bush’s 2nd term saw the War in Iraq go to shit, disastrous Katrina response, and the subprime mortgage crisis that threatened to descend us into a global depression. Almost a third of America, was like, “W is great”. Then, in 2010, the conservatives co-opted the tea party movement started by bailing out huge corporations and buyouts for CEOs. It was a movement that could have been a leftist movement in the past, but solidly carved more blue collar workers to their side. FOX News can shift blame to whoever they want when Musk commits errors and exercises malfeasance.
  12. no, this is correct. In Dallas, you have to tow the company line, as in haul the piece of shit down the road. I mean, let’s be corporeal here.
  13. Take it to the “Books You Want to Force Down Peoples’ Throats” thread.
  14. FOX dont do DEI no more
  15. Only one party has advocated for nonpartisan redistricting. And right-wing judges have consistently eradicated campaign election reforms and permitted gerrymandering. In Texas, republicans choose their voters. Since 2000, rightwingers have used big data and now AI to maximize their party’s stranglehood in states their control the process. Its no longer guesswork.
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