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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. 13-seed? I didnt it went that high
  2. Medicare reform back in the 90s by Clinton and Congress was meant to make it more efficient, cut waste and fraud. The consequence was cuts to profits and stability for rural hospitals which need subsidies to exist. These fuckers gladly cast blame onto Obamacare, which also strived for efficiency. There is no free market solution to provide healthcare to remote areas. Trump will hasten the demise of rural America, who will cast blame on Democrats
  3. In my north austin neighborhood, neighbors would complain of breakins. One lady liked to leave her garden tools in her truck. Others would report wallets stolen. Some people even advocated for leaving your doors open so they wouldnt break windows. That may work in the Tenderloin district surrounded by crackheads, but up here we have people just randomly checking if doors are open
  4. I got NY Post paywall. The fuck?
  5. Ukraine using intel from US…
  6. Not sure i want to see an HH Holmes movie. American Horror Story embedded this storyline in their Hotel season with Lady Gaga. Its fucked up. Stand alone with just a symbolic representation of the Windy City and the Worlds Fair probably wont do the story justice. I dont think Scorsese or Leo can pull it off anymore. Would be easier to do a limited series, but a cinematic epic would be nice. Just dont want a serial killer movie.
  7. Quote the opposite. Gotta stay hydrated. Ill be like the wetworks guy from Horrible Bosses.
  8. Hopefully the Piss on Grave thread gets a bump soon.
  9. Yawn. Dems will get blamed for it somehow. They got blamed for the subprime recession which fueled the tea party movement. They got a share of 9/11 blame. Obama was blamed for the rise of ISIS. Biden for the Taliban, after Trump freed militants. Hillary for Benghazi, when state department budgets were cut by the GOP. The GOP is much better at leveraging a crisis. It’s in their DNA to destroy things and blame their adversaries for the chaos and suffering, deserved or not.
  10. The DA wants to be able to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Need solid evidence. Need reliable witnesses. In domestic abuse cases, the witnesses often have conflicting feelings, regret, or a financial incentive to clam up. Or, they dont want to be homeless or have their kids go through shit. Or, they are scared. It’s why some jurisdictions prosecute even if the victim doesn’t want to press charges. Whether or not charges are dropped, it doesnt mean he didnt do the crime. It just means the case to convict him beyond all doubt was not solid. We don’t know shit. And now it’s none of our business.
  11. And the amount that discount a potential victims story is also disturbing. And the amount that discount a potential victims story is also disturbing.
  12. Tough watch. James Harrison redirected both Colt and Vince’s careers.
  13. https://newrepublic.com/post/192122/trump-flailing-polls-economy-musk
  14. Luka didnt look good in jeans
  15. I love seeing movies in the theater, but… There are less movies with serious theatrical release For grownups, there are far less real movies with serious theatrical release
  16. There is almost no series that needs to be 8-10 episodes. They put filler most of the time and people just eat it up. The best stories are tight. Dune 2 was perfection. Nobody needs to know about the midichloridians or whatever details the bookfags whack off to.
  17. Trump is no Chamberlain. Chamberlain wasnt in cahoots with Hitler. Trump is aligned with Putin. Everything prior to cutting off aid was theater after they were unable to extract stuff from Ukraine before Russia takes over.
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