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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Freakonomics attributed a significant decrease in teenage pregnancies due to MTV’s Teen Mom. HOD gonna push birthrates to virtually zero.
  2. Thats why we saw Lesso Ojomo. We could have used him after we let Tech run 100 plays.
  3. Wish we had merged with ACC. We’re gonna get f’d in the SEC too. But we’ll cash checks
  4. Sooner Fight Song, Vuvuzelas, or Vandy Whisling Guy?
  5. 5 conference titles (4 for real) during that era. We’ve had 2 in 22, and that includes a dominant decade with a title.
  6. Before my era, but it seems like Bob Hayes and everyone else https://olympics.com/en/athletes/robert-hayes “Bob Hayes is arguably the fastest sprinter of all-time before the Usain Bolt era.”
  7. Some ambiguity here but I interpreted that he premeditated to murder her at this spot on her usual rides in a remote spot. He is kind of a dumbass, so maybe he just lost his temper and decided to injure her badly and maybe expect no consequences, but then was goaded into finishing her off her off
  8. Next time just tell them that the jerk store called and they ran out of them
  9. They’re not conciling let alone reconciling
  10. I was probably 150 yards away and I saw it
  11. How else are his brownshirts gonna know who to terrorize? Geesh!
  12. Of course there is pumped in music. At the Notre Dame game I attended it was nowhere close in decibel level (and less feedback blasts) or frequency. It was closer to the OU game. Their student section was unbelievable. But theres a balance to be had. The band and cheerleaders need to be part of the production. And students need to be part of it. If you suffocate every single second with music, you wont allow spirit groups and fans to do spontaneous things like Texas Fight or “F the Mormans!”
  13. The college experience is something else and bands are part of it. Its not a binary choice: band or Lizzo. Lets just get some college football atmosphere going because theres nothing else like it. It involves embedding spirit groups into the production. I’ve missed like 10 home games ever. Get a new username, Lowell.
  14. Hype? Lowell? Seen plenty of games where fans are going bezerk without Lizzo. Had one manufactured Texas! Fight! That’s not a hyped crowd. Change your username. We now have an enclosed football stadium with a real deal student section. That will lead to “hyped” environment. Lets have a college football experience.
  15. Is that you Lowell? We need more phat beats? OU game is far away the most hyped fans get and has the least amount of hiphop music and none at levels that deafen. Would like to work in the band to the production. We can have both.
  16. Their ranch is ETJ and they have an agreement with the city when they sell land, it becomes Austin proper. Im not sure how official the zoning plan is. And Im sure it could change.
  17. Robinson Ranch is already zoned high density multipurpose. But its private property and ETJ until they sell parts off.
  18. The Greg Davis play. There might have been whole seasons where there was never a run threat to our playaction plays.
  19. Dont see you complaining about overrepresentation of bangable MILFs. Why do you give a fuck if a different type is repped? I dont get it. And for the record, these white knights on Madison Avenue want to sell shit to young people as they have for 60 years. It’s both an art and a science. So in addition to appealing to Z’s values, they want their client to make money. And they’ll figure out ways to do so. And to the olds, if you take notice of an ad, the ad just worked.
  20. Thats for sure. Also, Austin is a national leader in new construction AND value increases. Slowing down new construction AND making it more expensive to build has helped offset global demand for Austin property. But there’s still massive demand even with the difficulties in building shit in Austin. There’s only the best bad solutions available to city leaders. But I’m not gonna play pretend that the 1950’s concept of supply and demand are in play. And if they are, the data is not possible to figure due to infinite possibilities.
  21. So implied threats of terror? This is how jihadist clerics worked and we vaporized them with drones.
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