Harshly punishing anyone crossing? Would that include more incarceration? We already have the highest number of people incarcerated (officially anyway). This doesnt seem like a bright idea, especially given that its targeting people from other countries who have no social contract or say in our laws. And who are highly motivated and already putting their lives on the line. Also, relying on Mexico doesnt seem like a good solution either, though its viable. A guest worker program you outlined is a good idea but is DOA in Congress. W suggested it 20 years ago and was obliterated by his own party. It comes down to a list of bad ideas. In this environment, where a foreigner controls a good part of our media, where central and south american republics are dysfunctional, where congress cant pass legislation and where our own people have insatiable appetite for drugs, we can only pick from a list of bad ideas with respect to border security. Southern border security is way down the list for me. It is a symptom of other, deeper issues. Depoliticizing it would be a good step. Letting security, legal and humanitarian professionals outline what they need is a good start.