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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Best: Adaptation Worst: Peggy Sue Got Married A pretty good movie, but Cage was horrible. We’re supposed to believe prime Kathleen Turner ends up marrying this whiny dude? Maybe he was worse in Knowing.
  2. Gary Oldman Best: Sid Vicious Worst: Rolfe in Tip Toes
  3. Irving is a problem. He doesnt play and lost his mind in the playoffs. He’s only played more than 70 games in the regular season 3 out of 11 seasons and that was 6 years ago. If Durant wants to tie his legacy to Irving and co-opt another NBA team, so be it. It appears he is flailing and him and Irving take up a lot of space. And so he can try to cupcake his way to another title. He can do better.
  4. A DeSantis v Trump primary scenario could bring the jokes. Especially if it includes Trump saying the primary was rigged, like we he lost in Iowa w Ted Cruz. One scenario is Trump runs until he cant, so he can continue to fundraise and self promote. Then the GOP has to save him or he’ll crash them (quicker than he is doing already).
  5. Do they have the ability to touch a pass rusher? If so, it will be an improvement.
  6. Or, cant wait to see what Jevan Sneed can do. This guy looks like a career backup and will probably be recruited over by John Chiles.
  7. They were all A+ rated QBs out of high school. They’re a 10 out 10. There’s no 11.
  8. But it makes for cool scenes jn movies. “You gotta warrant!?!”
  9. Backseat belts were not required for most of his life. He always been driven. Why would he wear a seltbelt even with extenders? The driver has already been interviewed prior to this testimony. It would be unenforced error if the committee let Hutchison’s testimony on this detail fly when its not true in any versio
  10. You think he wears a seatbelt? For various reasons I think its unlikely he’s ever worn one.
  11. You think he wears a seatbelt? For various reasons I think its unlikely he’s ever worn one.
  12. The GOP has already made up those losses by leveraging covid, establishing a foothold with Tejanos in the valley, and scaring soccer moms (books, pedos, crt, crime). 2018 was a long time ago.
  13. Helps his bonafides with the terrorists who felt abandoned by their leader. “He tried but was stopped by Deep State.”
  14. If Trump is 6’3 then Jesus is 7’2. Bet his skyhook is money
  15. Gonna be Airmen O’Malley and Rodriguez to contradict the flight logs (it’s a bluff)
  16. There’s already ample evidence, like a avalanche of evidence, that he was notified that he lost the election. The George Costanza defense should be jettisoned into space along with any legal expert who seriously considers it. They can join the experts that discuss self-pardons, secret pardons, co-conspirator pardons, and other get out jail free pardons.
  17. Load up on sunscreen. Dont sunburn half your face for pics.
  18. Got to the hospital scene and that was a nope.
  19. Ewers got a two year head start on Arch, which is more than he needs. Ewers got friends in every town and village from here to the Ohio, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local coverage, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the Heisman already.
  20. Like 28 out of 30 GMs agreed at the time. Overvaluing big men continues. I thought the same with Morant over Zion. Regarding KD’s legacy, never saw this one before but funny as shit
  21. 8 losses sounds about right So does he now own the record for most losses in professional football? https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2022/06/20/former-nfl-coach-jeff-fisher-struggled-in-first-usfl-season?fbclid=IwAR07VQnxh4aTutjPQs7HnZEj0ybFbf7Zxrrk9hxtgUMG2RZC-DuYH7ST0Ak&fs=e&s=cl
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