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Everything posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Change to “…best case since Kramer vs Kramer” That would be the random court case from a time in his 30’s that he would recall. He would have no idea Jesus was judged at all.
  2. You’re a real estate lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s a water leak.”
  3. Bale was in the Samuel L Jackson version of Shaft
  4. As President, dotard had access to most of the information known about 9/11 including what buildings were the tallest of the ones left standing.
  5. A ceiling is a prediction, but is conditional on all factors going our way. If Ewers is freshman all-american and Bijan wins the Heisman and defense becomes average, then we win the Big 12. That is a possible scenario, but probably not the most likely.
  6. I lost faith in PK (and a lot in Sark) after the Kansas loss. That was a bad team that beat the shit out of us. His record is like an attorney I knew who had a distinguished career as in-house counsel but then got to a firm where you had billable hours and he struggled.
  7. 2-4 wont hold up a whole season in the big12, even with decent personnel. We were undermanned and mismatched and it was pretty obvious. It demoralized the whole team. We needed 4 linemen to do anything. But with our personnel, that’s 3 tackles and one edge. And we wpuld get hammered in the passing game, but at least we would have been competitive against the run.
  8. First time I got my period, Rock had to take me into Tai-Pei for Tampax. And then he had to show me how to use them, Harry.
  9. Yes-yes that's right, that's right. I wanna name her Dottie after my wife. She's a vicious life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape.
  10. Cuckolded Dustin Hoffman in Straw Dogs
  11. Against Bama we need 4 grown-ass men on the line on most downs. That will lead to some other issues but its not like anyone did better than 2.5 sacks last year anyway. Need to slow down the running game and thats the only way to do it with this team.
  12. Needs some Anastasis
  13. Yep, they’ve been doing it for years. For election security, voter lists have been purged for years. Causing countless people (usually dems) to be turned away on election day. Mailin ballots are rejected due to technicalities. Thousands (more dems) are dismissed without the voter being notified, or notified after the election. Polling locations closed. Consolidated away from dem voters. Using big data, district lines are so manipulated that there are hardly any contested elections. And when elections are not close, voter apathy follows. North Carolina is so bad, its hardly a democracy. A minority party controls the state. Its been like this since Reconstruction. Except now the southern whites are aligned for (now global) corporate interests.
  14. Dont know how much he’ll contribute. But definitely first off the bus
  15. How do you get there? You need 60 senators and you need to win state houses back so you can redestrict. You also need to funnel money to the right candidates and need to systematically and regularly scare the shit out of voters to make them do your work.
  16. 2000 was improvised. They were still slapdicking back then. Between 2000-04 there were hardly any remnants of southern democrats and the GOP went full powerplay, beginning with redistricting. Then purging voter lists and cutting back polling locations and adding more technical restrictions. The tea party movement then focused on capturing state houses. The MAGA movement is now hyperfocused on local elections, terrorizing election officials out of office in battleground states and putting in crisis actors in their place who will full on kamikazee their own lives for the Cult.
  17. Y’all are talking future tense. Its already happened. Over 13% of mailin ballots were tossed in the last primary in Harris county due to technical issues. If a single person’s vote is tossed out due to technical reasons that should be the lead story in the New York Times. But across the country hundreds of thousands if not millions of votes will be tossed due to mismatched signatures and incomplete info. Its gonna get worse but already a rampant issue since 2004, when the GOP began in earnest systematic ways to game the system.
  18. When these aholes saw Bane’s Gotham in Dark Knight Rises, they were like, “that looks pretty damn good!”
  19. Secret Service? Username checks out
  20. Does Twitter really want Musk? Seems like he’s full on Bond villain these days. Or does Twitter just want to recoup the damage he may have caused. Think he could tank the whole service.
  21. Maybe Truman wasnt such a pussywimp. Seems like MacArthur got his ass handed to him.
  22. I was suspended on Hornfans for suggesting Mock should fake an injury (a la Al Czervik) before the OU game to let VY start. Mock proceeded to throw a pick on the very 1st series.
  23. I wouldnt go so far as calling him obtuse. Its not always cut and dry. But having debates on gun public policy will clearly trigger endless discussion. But there are debates in DT threads. Here most recently on the piling on LEOs and what caused their inaction. I was called out for describing the sociology behind it. The initial hesitation and leadership gap compounded the error and led to (400 LEOs) groupthink on identifying it was a standoff and not an active shooter. There can be a certain amount opinions and reactions shared about breaking news before it becomes redundant and ground to be covered in CR. Opinions about improving school safety get into more gray territory. So blaming LEOs, schools, parents get into the CR territory, because the reason the US has so many random mass shootings can only be covered in the CR. And not how LEO’s, parents or schools attempt to handle random suicidal shooters with easy access to things discussed in the CR. But in DT we can cover incompetent police, low fences and unlocked doors.
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