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  1. Thank you for these @satyanash-- do you have Scipio's post-mortems?
  2. this angle really clarifies the non-targeting call for me!
  3. until he came back! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ash_(American_football)#:~:text=On April 23%2C2021 David Ash signed with the Warsaw Mets of the Polish Football League.[32] The team went 3-5 and lost in the first round of the playoffs.
  4. there's a series of plays in this game when we have two backs running swing routes to either side of the quarterback, who noodle-arms the ball down the middle to someone named Sanders, and I thought I was looking into the future for a moment... That #DarrellWyattOffense...
  5. Squiddie

    Longhorn Network

    Hey! I signed up for this after you recommended it and it worked well for about 3 weeks, but as of saturday it is not allowing me to log in anymore (subscription still valid, checked user/password, etc)— is yours working? did they change the URL or something? THX!
  6. he just said "he's known since last sunday".... who knows...
  7. thx for the clarification!
  8. that's about even once you discount home-field for Aggie. Should end up being a short game if they both lean on the run. Any predictions?
  9. that's what you mom said.... oh, wait...
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