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Certifiably Surly
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  1. You keep saying this as if the people we're talking about aren't actively changing what is normal.
  2. Atlas 3591 entered my mind for this crash. Wrong detent selected and in the weather, unable to perceive overspeed and task saturation on takeoff in IMC leading to an undetected nose dive? Stranger things have happened.
  3. Yeah we left after the third with a three year old but it was a pretty awesome turnout. Fun stuff.
  4. I’ve thought about starting a general Aviation Mishap thread, however any crash that happens on US soil should probably have its own thread. I figured the Ethiopian 961 thread took care of other events worldwide for the most part.
  5. Good input. As @Captainant stated, we're looking at the result of the holes in the Swiss cheese model finally lining up, and, of course, it is catastrophic. Task saturation, complacency, normalization of deviancy, environment. There will be multiple causal and contributing factors and no shortage of assignation of blame to go around. At the end of the day, it's up the people in charge to own the problem and create a solution and I'm not at all confident that the people in charge have the desire or capability to come up with an intelligent resolution. Please prove me wrong.
  6. I had my wife join the presale behind me just in case my office internet dropped or something, and she couldn't get access in the end. I picked up three thankfully. That's going to be a hell of a show.
  7. There were multiple subs banning Twitter Monday evening.
  8. I've never had it. I like the chili con queso myself.
  9. If you find yourself at a table with a bunch of Nazis, and you don't leave the table...
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