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Sgt. Slaughter

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Everything posted by Sgt. Slaughter

  1. Not SEC southeast good.
  2. When you searched for this gif, how many uncensored versions did you have to scroll through before finding this one?
  3. “He may have won MVP, but he’s still only 3/5ths Waddle. Not SEC good, IMO.”
  4. To be fair, you did not misspell any of those words.
  5. Yeah it's pretty weird how they would want to hold on to 3 of the best players in the nation
  6. I hope this isn’t an indication that Hudson Card is wavering.
  7. “And that’s when she told me I might have better luck trying to stick it up my own ass.”
  8. Not sure if serious...
  9. I was under the impression this is Twitter’s sole purpose.
  10. “In” with the Mom. I see what you did there, you sly dog.
  11. I really don’t think Mrs. Giles is going to appreciate Oscar dating a recruits mom. Nonetheless, time for her to take one for the program.
  12. Tantric Superman sitting back like....
  13. And errbody is trying to get the bag.
  14. Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong, Mensa Tom has orchestrated this charade and he’s planning to go public for the good guys mid-week.
  15. Hi, my name is Sgt. Slaughter. I’ve been addicted to the psychological ebbs and flows of 17-18 year old boys for around 5 years now.
  16. Apparently everyone’s memory of how this all works stayed behind with the shag.
  17. *insert mom joke here*
  18. But how are his forearms?
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