Elevated inflation is a destructive force, especially for middle class and below. It’s no surprise that the only demo he’s positive in is the professional class. White, college degree. It’s also why you, and this board, are flabbergasted.
The inflation is not all his fault obviously, but it falls to him as President now. It’s easy to stick to him for a couple reasons. First of all, as inflation ramped over the last year, he spent a large amount of energy publicly pushing for extra spending via BBB. In retrospect it looks like we dodged a bullet there.
Secondly, the high price of gas is a big problem. People on this board will it’s complex and not all his fault and that’s true, but he publicly campaigned strongly against the oil and gas industry. When increasing supply is seen by many to be the cure and you’ve been against that, you’re seen as part of the problem. See today’s remarks by Janet Yellen saying we need to redouble our efforts at decarbonizing. People see that and think how the fuck is that going to help anything.
Also, the Twitter and media class of the Democratic Party are far left socially of much of the country. Most of the country sees a bill where you’re eliminating talk of sexual orientation at school with early elementary kids and says why are these people screeching like it’s the end of the world?
I can’t tell you if that’s a man or a woman, I’m not a biologist etc. Huh?
Hope that helps. Probably won’t.