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Immaculate Vibes

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Everything posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. Dude, the link is official Ukrainian government site. You don’t even have to own crypto. Scroll down and they accept fiat. I’m sharing the site where people can financially contribute directly to the war effort. It’s a new age. Not sure why you’re in a tizzy about it.
  2. If you want, you can give directly to the Ukrainian government. just click on this link and pick your crypto of choice. https://donate.thedigital.gov.ua
  3. Even better, how about being behind the policy curve and letting inflation really ramp up just to decide to tighten when it’s less likely to help. I don’t see how raising rates helps tamp down the inflation that’s now kicking in due to a geopolitically induced global commodity shortage. This is going to reverberate for a while. Unfortunate for everyone but we primed the pump for a couple years.
  4. Being against mask mandates on planes is wrong? Nobody told me, it was what they said overhead.
  5. let’s do it. If you want to wear a mask great, but let’s get rid of flight attendants reminding you to pull your mask back up between sips and bites like I had on one flight last week. This shit is stupid.
  6. Wow sounds like she really owes you. If there was just some way she could make it up to you.
  7. I hate hearing Jett mentioned. Also, citing Cook’s heart as a reason to be confident in his play at safety doesn’t make me feel good. You need more than heart to cover. Pre Bobby Brown. He really fucked her up.
  8. It’s been posted here, maybe by NeonMoon (?), that inflation is harder on rich people. Also, before it really got rolling that it was good. In any case it is highly destabilizing which we will continue to see. Wait until there’s a global famine later this year, due to increased wheat/commodity costs.
  9. Well in my defense, not that any of you care, I thought the frog thing was just a shitposting thing like CaptainAnt. I didn’t think anything of it, certainly not that it was related to white supremacy. Given that the author of the piece is a black guy I’m guessing that it’s not as widely known or assumed as y’all may think. Unfortunately it’s attached to both the tweet and the article itself so I’ll have to take it all down. Hard to summarize such a long piece succinctly, but given that freezing of FX reserves is now on the table going forward, countries will be looking for ways to diversify their reserves. It’s most pressing for the countries with current account surpluses. Those surpluses have to be invested. They’ve typically been in government bonds. Mostly USTs but also euro bonds, Japanese etc. The big one is obviously China and what do they do. The author believes they will start buying more gold and other storable commodities while we will have to fund more of our own deficit spending via money printing due to decreased buying of our bonds over time. As a result other countries currencies will get stronger/harder while ours will get weaker. Again there’s a lot to digest in it, but I understand why people will skip clicking the link.
  10. these are some examples of why inflation is important despite how some posters here act. Lol at posters here claiming inflation affects the rich more
  11. Good to see some open mindedness from some Dems. Warren is an out of touch dinosaur.
  12. Which CR poster is this?
  13. Strong circle back to but Trump. I have not framed any of this in partisan terms. Some of the things you listed were mistakes by Trump, some not necessarily. Anyway, this is the last I’ll share on the financial front for a while. Here’s another signpost.
  14. Bama Chick is in charge of source checks. What did you disagree with in the piece?
  15. Thanks. It seems clear to me, but a lot of my intellectual focus outside of my job is following this stuff. Like I said a weird gap in knowledge here. A lot of the responses here proving my point. Let’s see. Your opinion here shows that you really don’t understand. The dollar and the global financial system function solely on faith and trust. Seizing a country’s Central Bank reserves will cause many parties to question how many dollar and other fiat reserves they want to hold and with whom. It will cause demand for dollars to decrease over time. Saudi already becoming more vocal about other options. China doesn’t have to be ready now. These things take time. This accelerated change. It doesn’t have to be China. That’s just who SA is looking at because of their trade volumes. Our sanctions push the financial system to becoming multipolar rather than unipolar as it currently stands. Why wouldn’t seizing of FX reserves cause policy reconsiderations? We literally took the national wealth from a belligerent country. Of course other countries take notice. It’s foolish to pretend they won’t. Feels like you’re the moron. I’d rather the dollar remain unquestioned leader. I’m into bitcoin as a hedge and evidently I can read the tea leaves and history better than 99% of posters here. I didn’t say it’s crashing. These things take time. I said it’s a sea change in the global financial system. One that will be obvious in retrospect. It’s not disinformation, it’s an interpretation of events that you disagree with. I’ll link a good podcast explaining some of this more clearly when I get a chance to finish it. Hopefully it will help some of y’all see past your personal issues with me.
  16. This is a pretty strong summary of the background and the likely effects of our actions. “The prospect of total asset invalidation is an unacceptable tail risk, and any nation-state wary of falling afoul of U.S. sensibilities, especially as the U.S. becomes ever more capricious and less interested in the well-being of the international sphere it used to govern, will consider diversifying out of U.S. Treasurys and other freezable assets.”
  17. The Saudi move could chip away at the supremacy of the U.S. dollar in the international financial system, which Washington has relied on for decades to print Treasury bills it uses to finance its budget deficit. “The oil market, and by extension the entire global commodities market, is the insurance policy of the status of the dollar as reserve currency,” said economist Gal Luft, co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security who co-wrote a book about de-dollarization. “If that block is taken out of the wall, the wall will begin to collapse.”
  18. Maybe they watched an interview with Fauci? I was a young kid, but i guess people were confused back then?
  19. Let’s see. Why are they considering this now? Is it a culmination of multiple ME policy moves that have been happening for years or is it a seismic geopolitical shift that happened in the last two weeks? Just coincidentally in the same timeframe. Again, you’re showing a lack of strategic awareness in this area that permeates this board. I’m not sure why it’s such a blind spot. All you need to know is SA is seriously considering accepting yuan for oil. Why would they do that? Well the reserves that they accrue for those sales would likely be held in Chinese or Chinese friendly banks. Why would they do that? The Chinese are known for being shady in capital markets. Well because until two weeks ago countries at least knew despite their differences that the US backed financial system was rules based. We shot that in one move.
  20. I hope this works for you. They mention some Middle East foreign policy reasons for the potential move, but to believe that it’s a coincidence after our recent move with Russia is pretty naive. Countries will want to diversify away from dollar reserves now that we’ve declared we will push to seize them if you cross us. I really can’t believe we accelerated this whole timeline for some secondary gain. Stupid.
  21. Wow. This is my shocked face. We have posters that act like experts on everything on this board, but somehow they underestimated the significance of our freezing of central bank reserves of another significant country. All for a fight that doesn’t affect us directly when they were frozen and definitely doesn’t now. The dollar was catastrophically damaged, but when I brought it up I was accused of spreading Russian disinformation by a bunch of buffoons here. You’d rather scream muh Russia at people than actually look at consequences of some of our actions. What a massive deficit in the thinkers here.
  22. About sex. I seriously doubt most people care about their kids learning there are homosexuals in the world and what that means. This is all about the timing.
  23. Starting some time after 3rd grade
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