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Immaculate Vibes

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Everything posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. From yesterday. Gottlieb calls for rollback of mask and vaccine mandates. Here, here. Love to hear this from him since he’s plugged into both the science of the pandemic and the bureaucracy of the response. Look out PW. More NYC kids soon allowed in public? 😬
  2. https://www.ft.com/content/6bed7dff-f5e2-4105-a948-449f2d80ad32 Bold policy response needed to restore Fed credibility on inflation
  3. Interesting piece here. The cultural difference in conflict resolution is pretty telling. https://unherd.com/2022/01/what-the-west-gets-wrong-about-putin/
  4. Actually, Russians kind of dominate dryer vent cleaning. Kind of like Vietnamese and nail salons. They’re already here
  5. I feel like he’s isn’t a spy, he’s an asset. I guess this tweet before you received that correspondence. With the US and Germany pulling out, it seems like the intel is there that things are about to happen. I guess all kinds of things could happen, the one that I think concerns us most directly is the threat of some cyber actions. I don’t really think they’re a threat, but my tinfoil hat self says that anything that happens will be blown up in media etc and then actions could be taken here that affect us. There’s been a lot of signaling that something cyber related could happen. Gives authorities reason to take aggressive measures. Is there a tin foil hat forum here? 😂
  6. Thanks for helping prove my point. This study amplifies the importance of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction, which is also relevant to vaccines. 60% more! Reality went from 45 cases/100,000 to 73 cases/100,000
  7. Flaw in the policy? How about a wrong policy. We’re the only country in the whole recommending something so ridiculous. Stupid. Anyone with kids reads that and immediately knows that fucking stupid. I’m sure there’s Penelope’s of the world that say, “It’s about fucking time”. Gotta keep those kids masked so there’s an infinitesimally smaller chancr she gets Covid after being triple vaxxed
  8. Don’t forget their school recs. I’d like to see the science behind recommending universal indoor masking of 2 year olds. Spoiler alert-there isn’t any. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/k-12-guidance.html CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all* students (ages 2 years and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.
  9. Do you have any valid long Covid rates? I must be missing all the kids with chronic fatigue walking around with nasal cannulas?
  10. It’s the last 2 years, but ok. Tell you what PW, you put me on ignore and I’ll do likewise. hahahahahahha.
  11. Healthcare workers, federal contractors (on hold). Federal employees. The attempted OSHA one obviously.
  12. This is all fear mongering. Higher hospitalizations than ever? Remember we have the whole for or with Covid distinction to be made with omicron. But deaths the same. 1,000 deaths in the entire us of A in two years. The vast majority with significant comorbidities, not just obesity. We’re talking neurologic disorders, chronic pulmonary issues. Besides, you don’t actually care about the kids. You just enjoy having less of them around you. And you want the ones you have to be around to be vaccinated so you’re safer. A grown adult. Please. You’ve cited this a couple times and that’s great but new shit has come to light. CDC, last week.
  13. Wow this is quite a post. I appreciate your candor, but that’s about it. Children in public bother and/or inconvenience you therefore a policy that limits their presence is a positive. Even if it requires vaccination for a disease that doesn’t affect them. Because “they’re germ factories”. Then we can better protect old people like you. You have such a narrow, warped set of priorities and worldview. The fact that a poster like yourself drives so much of the conversation here around Covid says a lot about this forum. And it ain’t good.
  14. I’m assuming Willfully Horn is just operating under the new paradigm whereby opposing Covid vaccine mandates in and of itself makes you an anti-vaxxer. That’s been a recent change. By labeling people with reasonable stances anti-vaxxers they actually cheapen the term. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-vaxxer
  15. I meant to ask you, how broad do you want the mandates/passports? Do you approve of the NY law requiring proof of Covid vaccination for kids to access public places?
  16. 💯 This just seems like a recipe for disaster. We seem to care more about all this than the Europeans even do.
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