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Hank Scorpio

Burnt Ends
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Hank Scorpio last won the day on March 1 2021

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About Hank Scorpio


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    Not CEO of ImageNet

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  1. She Felix on my Zaden til I’m Krempin. I’m sorry. I’ll leave now.
  2. How do we not have a RB coach yet? Sark has lost control of the program.
  3. If I were in Congress I would abuse the shit out of the speech and debate clause. Just get up there everyday and talk shit.
  4. So can I buy heroin online again?
  5. I want to represent the NCAA. Just make dumb ass arguments with no chance of success while pounding the fucking file. Oh no we lost who saw that coming, that will be 11 million dollars thank you.
  6. 19 fucking siblings? Is he Irish?
  7. Agreed but Campbell would crush it as a recruiter and fund raiser which most NFL guys hate. Good thing he’s never going to coach aggy.
  8. This is bullshit. Have I ever been to a Surly tailgate? No. Do I demand that they be put on each week? Absolutely. I want my money back.
  9. Helbious on his way to get us 3 DTs
  10. I don’t know that we need a TE but this guy is probably the 2nd best TE in the country behind the PSU guy. Arch throwing jump balls to a 6’7 TE would probably be cool.
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