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  1. so … what this data is telling me is that ousux
  2. So fair and unbiased. I’m sure it would have looked similar comparing this years rosters. Let’s put up or shut the fuck up and circle back in a year and see how things went.
  3. They need to bring in Lori Laughlin to consult.
  4. So you’re saying “Fuck the Rinks”?
  5. Now we can direct that energy on his weaker, fatter, little brother.
  6. So I’m reading “FUCK 0u”
  7. Are they going to try and run his offense with Milroe ??
  8. Is Pace in a different district?
  9. AND the OLine with another offseason under Flood.
  10. Nah I want to see the suckier Brock trying to hold that line together
  11. The elk is recruiting in 3025.
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