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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


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  1. That bulbous nose, incredibly fat cheeks. Could she be lost lucci spawn?
  2. https://www.downloadhelper.net/
  3. so we have aggies holding hands. some female that is too fat for her own boots and an Elmer Fudd with a horns down. why, just why on their perceived incompetence. aggie always.
  4. So do we... https://www.ncaa.com/news/rowing/article/2024-06-01/texas-crowned-2024-ncaa-di-rowing-national-champions#:~:text=Texas clinched the 2024 DI,in second with 127 points. We're a "jock" school. And the proper word for that is heifer for the fat thing. Too fat for porn and just ugh, just no.
  5. Wow, Pancho. I don't know how to interpret that. Is it them admitting BAS, little brother, or more in defeat? Do they now claim some high road on losing, again? So, they really aren't trying now? I guess we are a "jock" school that has top 20 or better in almost every degree we teach, rather than a diploma mill. Maybe it's accepting reality.
  6. And as a genius, whatever you post as... what's our trade imbalance from China. Yea, check your facts bank teller. Look at we import for them, garbage. I'd have liked a lot of candidates but this is common sense outside of Canada - no clue what they make we need.
  7. kinda like you discovered anal dildos. there are almost 7800 post on this thread. we don't say enough positive fun things but hell 2000+ on food. Gotcha, let's try and be cute from your Mom's basement. maybe back off the asshole 16yo routine, gets old for educated UT alums that do support the program. and the word you're looking for is logarehia - look it up, you'll learn something.
  8. Awesome news! Yea, even in IL, I would recognize him and know his name. And no joke, zero belly and just blocks the entire camera out when he walks by shots and is always smiling, excited for the team. I'm cheering for this giant also! Glad you got to meet and support him and his family. Longhorn Nation, well done sir! Now find a confused aggy and show them to their seat lol. Numbers with alphabet are hard.
  9. Always respect your post, more informed than me. What names would you slot as our 2nd OTs? I've struggled with this, appreciate your insight. I know we just got a highly rated guy but he looks to need some body reshaping (lose 30+ whatever else).
  10. Damn nice additions. Like the Dunson (BB should check that spelling) hire for recruiting with ties to TX, LA, GA. Let him focus on those LA, GA guys!
  11. I hope so, keeps guys healthy. Plus it was really fun with all the bombs Arch and Trey were tossing. I watched ours (3x) the anm (2x) from last year - talk about a recruiting tool. Toss in last year (especially that Arch highlight film) and our defense - wow. I was hoping we'd get some OL portal guys OT mainly. Any new on how Stroh is coming along? On TV, he looks massive for IOL? A guy that gigantic should be able to handle some big DLs (hope). I just don't know where we are at 2nd OT after Goosby and Baker.
  12. Please let this happen. This would do more to help us than them. He'd be great on jet sweeps for them and reverses.
  13. Thanks for that video link Chuckie. That young man is a gamer with elite skills.
  14. ctj, if you get time can you post a PFF for Brevard and Spence LB (like above on Shaw, VB, and Collins). Thanks in advance.
  15. Awesome! That is a BIG man.
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