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  1. Someone got a 60 in qualifying. Thats the lowest I’ve ever seen.
  2. I grew up a serious movie lover, and many summers in the 60’s my mom would get me at lunch. Drop me at the theater (single screen old movie houses) and then pick me up at 5-6. Did that about once a week. My wife and I used to enjoy late night showings until ability 15 years ago. Part of that is me being in the electronics biz and having a THX system, other us simply old age. I like subtitles as today’s sound work sucks, I like a pause button, I hate the shit other folks do. Why bring your infant or toddler to a grower up movie? Why are you playing angry Birds? Why are you talking on your fucking phone? Fuck it.
  3. 5th sounds cheap but skins are taking on his $24 mil cap hit. That was more important to Niners. Big $ for an oft injured high mileage receiver.
  4. I can’t lie. I’d fuck her stupid.
  5. Chicago tavern style thin crust is one of my favorites and it only works eaten right out of the oven, so I only get it when I can eat on site. Steaming in a box kills it. when can we head over. I’ll eat and won’t stay long. Looks great. Excellent effortingazation
  6. Texzilla58


    Need the collective Austin surly wisdom here. A good friend’s son is getting married in Austin in September. She has to host the rehearsal dinner for 30-50. As the bride has chosen TexMex for the wedding reception dinner, she is thinking barbecue. She is in SoCal so is asking for a little help on recs. It’s her only child and she doesn’t want to fuck it up. so: barbecue 30-50 guests Can be at restaurant or catered to a venue. Location somewhat irrelevant.
  7. I’m having a mff with Casey Thompson and mini Nguyen.
  8. I don’t get guy’s fascination with rehabbing Tiffani. To me she’ll always be “I’m not your bitch, bitch” from early top chef.
  9. That is very impressive book right there. The dominance just grows each month.
  10. An old lady lived across the street from us in my youth. Estranged from her crazy daughter. She had over 30 cats in her house. You could smell it in the street. She died. The cats ate most of her. the worst are feral cats and the fucked up folks that harbor them. Begging on Nextdoor for food for their colony. Ihhh if they’re feral they’re wild. You just have a flock of outside cats eating your food. They are an ecodisaster right up with feral hogs, zebra mussels, tegu lizards, and fire ants. The shelters spend good dog money on sterilizing feral cats instead of processing them into food for the dogs. Should be open season on them all year long.
  11. I would eat an entire durian over a single fig.
  12. You know, japs in the icing sounds really good on a carrot cake.
  13. My son says he wants first right of refusal on it. I think he’s quieted that, thinking he’ll get it when I die. I might just sell it if I got the right price
  14. Did you not griddle this creation? It would be better if you did.
  15. I’d like to see her taters at the Idaho store.
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