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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. That’s what I think though Sam said before the game he’s not getting fired. He met with the AD Sunday he said, and he’s not getting fired. I think that meeting was to negotiate terms of his retirement.
  2. Arkansas losing to FIU 13-7 start of 2nd. They aren’t playing to save Pittman’s job.
  3. Fuck he got Theismanned. Horrible.
  4. Thanks for the heads up on Folgers. My son goes to an archery shop down there occassionally. We’ll check it out. Looks great!
  5. She cooks. She just doesn’t eat. There are spit buckets near her on set at all times.
  6. 2nd ep even better. Getting good. Pay attention to keep up with the relationships!
  7. He delivered the Times Picayune as a kid to Marcelo’s house and talked to him a few times collecting. He wasn’t Iiving like a prince. Said Oswald was just fucking weird and in and out as his mother was always moving to New York or ft worth or Nola. Thought Ferrie was a really scary guy that he avoided. Lots of his friends were running guns before Castro. Basically they’d’ be given a couple crates and get in a Boston whaler and go out in the gulf and a boat would come collect. My boss thought these folks were part of a Clay Shaw “homo/voodoo” cult in the quarter and did this as some kind of thrill killing. Didn’t say I agreed with him; that’s what he said.
  8. That’s some lame brain amateurish shit that obstructions weren’t found and mitigated before practice.
  9. Billy Sims Bbq is the Dickey’s of Oklahoma. It’s truly awful. Rib Crib is bad too.
  10. Gordo is quite knowledgeable on it and hates the nutjobs that are all over down there. Everyone knows JFK is still on a machine keeping him alive in the basement of Parkland. My grandparents are buried in Shannon Rose Hill cemetery. I can drive straight to Oswald’s grave. I have no idea where they are buried. The weird thing was an adjacent grave for a guy named Nick Beef. It’s weird you can google it. But between Oswald and the drive is a headstone that just says HIDELL. His alias. My mentor grew up in New Orleans and knew Oswald as a youth. and was in the CAP when led by Ferrie. He had some crazy theories.
  11. If you look closely at all these dweebs, collectively not one has seen, touched, or banged a real live female human pussy. I’m not sure any have even bang a goat , sheep or collie like the cool dudes on campus have.
  12. He has never eaten a vegetable. He doesn’t count taters as veg.
  13. Biff Poggi is the only choice. He can fund his own buyout when they hire his ass. It would be so entertaining.
  14. I agree with your take; I think the change started when they started allowing dancing in Waco. However I am disappointed in everyone here for missing my vague Texas cultural reference to the funny guy of early Outlaw music when it meant something. Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys were a mainstay at the Armadillo. Some of the hits, well not hits, notable songs They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore I’m Gonna Frame Your Picture in a Toilet Seat Asshole from El Paso Ride em Jewboy Ol Ben Lucas Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed
  15. We watched the first episode tonight and enjoyed it. I probably need to rewatch to make sure I’m keeping everyone straight.
  16. They do t make Jews like Jesus anymore..,
  17. Tell the Saudis to level Yemen or we’ll leave them for the Iranians to deal with as we extract every piece of military from SA. Fuckers.
  18. She laid in wait and murdered this woman. Hope she gets life no parole but she’ll probably get weekends washing police cars.
  19. The auction is an all time favorite and I liked the twist of everyone finding different amounts of money, and the highest holder at the end losing the vote. What a blindside. She might have been edited this way but she came across as arrogant in her position. Bruce winning immunity really changed the course. I wanted the Boston dude to go.
  20. I got to watch this. When he would be on Carson he would just kill it. He was my favorite comic back then though lots of folks couldn’t get past Steve Martin. He is so fucking funny.
  21. He gave the tix to a friend looking for extras.
  22. If you’re making the drive why not get both? Get extra gravy.
  23. My boss is well connected in Vegas and had plans for the race since announced. Has great tix and great room at Caesars. Called me at 6am from Vegas. Wtf. Some work crisis. It’s 4am his time. Aren’t you at the race? What’s going on? “I gotta fuckin kidney stone! I gotta go home! (to San Diego). So he had been hammering oxys thru the night and was working on going to the airport. Shitty timing.
  24. I think you’re really overthinking it. This is a thread about entertainment shows mostly on a “history” network that was built on JFK conspiracy and Hitler had one ball shows. We have a “archeology/treasure” show with a pair of brothers who are sinking an island by punching holes in it. A show where every ancient artifact is attributed to alien overlords. It’s all show bizness . Just flip to the Smithsonian Channel and you can watch a guy dust a lump of mud with a brush for a hour if you don’t like it.
  25. Oh well. It’s an entertainment show. He’s a dual major in drama. I don’t have an issue with his Indiana Jones wardrobe or his comic relief.
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