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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. The bench is 22 years old. It’s a no win situation for everyone. What incentive is there to fix it for them? No one is moving their dead to another cemetery. (My mother when she moved from NW Arkansas back to Ft Worth picked up my dad’s urn and brought him to the national cemetery in Dallas. “Got your dad riding shotgun with me!”). Can you accept the damage as “patina” and move on? I don’t think the cemetery will fix it to your satisfaction.
  2. I enjoy Lupe Tortilla especially their grilled products. And to your point the fajitas are like when fajitas first became popular. It is expensive but so is Mi Cocina and LP doesn’t have that Highland Park asshole vibe.
  3. ATL is the NFL Aggie. A despicable franchise with a boob as an owner and a shitbag for a coach. I hate them. Best result would be a ten year extension for Smith and trading Bijan to a decent team.
  4. Unmentioned but cheap: Chad Morris. So Aggie so horrible would be glorious.
  5. Pork tenderloin is really lean. Just a suggestion but use beef chuck and pork shoulder. Same cut and similar fat ratio.
  6. Bottle that gravy.
  7. Would they go after Dan Campbell? The most prominent Aggie out there but I wouldn’t see him leaving and Lions might be on a SB run.
  8. This would be brilliant at least from an entertainment factor.. I’d love his takes on all the fucking rules and stupid traditions. Whadyafuckin mean they only got man cheerleaders!
  9. Love is an ingredient you can’t quantify unless it includes beans or kale or mangoes or fish sauce.
  10. Fuck hat. He’s gonna want $13 mill.
  11. Glad to see Rivera and skins beat. Fuck those cocksuckers. Never got the love of Rivera. Turned Cam into a walking CTE poster.
  12. Now’s time to park the starters that you can. Parson bland and others don’t need to be out there
  13. Saquon should have left town. Just gets hurt or goes no where.
  14. I would have enjoyed seeing the program for all the living Medal of Honor winners. That museum is going to be very cool. It’s north of the stadiums along i30.
  15. Hmm…Olsen just said in his interviews he asked about Tyson Smith and plans to move him to LT. Nope he’s great at LG and we’ll keep him there. Admittedly he’s not a pro bowl pace this season but that would mean we have to get two tackles. Tyron can’t stay healthy and Steele sucks.
  16. Stroud so far looks like the real deal from the standpoint of pocket presence and leadership. Long way to go but he seems to have the makings.
  17. There are lots of issues for these old country cemeteries. Upkeep becomes a real issue as families move away and revenue declines. Do you pay any recurring maintenance/ care fees or do you pay nothing? Do you have any documentation from the original internment? I might find the actual guy they use to engrave and set stones; he might be a contractor who might could do a cheaper fix for you on a side gig basis. My wife worked for a huge cemetery when we lived in Memphis and 90% of it was flat markers limited flowers easy maintenance. Very tough rules and no quarter given for breaking them. They also owned an old traditional cemetery which was their first family lot and they kept it for sentimental reasons. It was a huge money loser due to the Maintenance but it was in an old part of town and was kept like a park.
  18. Were the 9 ahead of you actual red chili or things like tuna fish soup or soybean cake vegan shit? If yours was 10th that looks fucking perfect and if the others were red as well I’d love to taste the top 10. Did you sample any of the others? I might have spotted the issue looking at your ingredients. I’m not getting the feels for mini pumpkins in my chili.
  19. I too have a spotty history with fried chicken. I do ok with boneless chicken fried chicken but bone in chicken spazzes me out. I’m so concerned about making sure it’s done I usually burn the crust. Or overcook the chicken. This looks great. What is your basic recipe plus technique? I’ve been thinking would a reverse sear of brined seasoned chicken pieces then battering and frying, but my grandmother made ethereal fried chicken with basically a big cast iron pan, flour and salt.
  20. You know yesterday’s was near perfect but was missing something. Ahh the bacon. But of course. Now perfection.
  21. They need to burn those orange uniforms. Butkus, Singletary, and Walter wouldn’t wear those things.
  22. I hate being in a position to be “for” prostate. I have hated them and fucking Joe Pa since I was 9 and that pedo enabler was whining about the Big Shootout and that ABC fucked him. Eat shit Joe Pa.
  23. My favorite restaurant in all of Texas. The ribeye rocks, but the burger is awesome as well. I hate hominy but that green chile hominy casserole will knock your dick in the ditch. They opened a diner type thing in town but I haven’t eaten there.
  24. We watch all kinds of shit. We generally make fun of it. It’s one guy and 22 mature milfs. Shit, tonight was that Snake Oil, British baking show, DDD, Bering sea gold, Mystery of Abandoned, and now an ep of married at first sight Australia. Cant watch all high quality fare.
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