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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by cyclone86

  1. Texas 38 Ou 33 216 yards
  2. Texas 34 Tech 17 196 yards
  3. Alabama - 42 Texas - 17 Ewers: 205
  4. Ala 47 Tx 15 Ewers 200 yds
  5. I'm gonna F this all up, but I'll persevere. (Probably adding to a thread involving serious surly Jr issues, can't post a pic and/or other dramatic infractions of surly protocol.) Thoughts and prayers for all you surly Dad's with young un's. Snap your fingers and they'll be asking for the car keys. And I know this thread is usually devoted to the little guys. With that said, I went golfing with cycloneII (30 yrs old) and III (26) and a young man I consider cycloneIV (23). I give them their money's worth and I don't even have to pay....usually. Hancock hole #5 par 3 (I know, poor's course, but it's fun.). CycloneIII steps up and swings away. What was supposed to be a majestic, high flying nine iron that lands inches from the hole turns into a hooded nine iron against the embankment leading up to the green. Bounced up six feet straight in the air, landed on the fringe, bounced up again and hit the flag stiff at two feet in the air. Dropped in the hole. I can't even remember most of the stuff you guys are talking about in this thread. Get a grip.
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