Why are we assuming they are correlated?
Profit went up 31%. Could it be because YoY people were not going out for coffee as much during an epidemic?
Could it also be true that prices went up (and were passed along to the customer) due to supply and raw goods pricing going up (e.g. almond milk, milk, coffee beans, etc.)?
Couldn't it be the case that the raising of the prices were a 1:1 to the raising of the cost of raw materials, and unrelated to the profit number?
Also, could a 39% raise also be in comparison to past pay during an epidemic where raises/wage growth was delayed, in a true-up? Could the raise be in response to it being an extreme buyers market in the labor market and as a retention method?
Seems like the answer is E) Not enough information to answer the question, but of course you have people on twitter ad libbing together some percentages and a big company name and trying to make a "big bad company" narrative out of it.