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Everything posted by Scopro

  1. Well shit, now I can’t log in as armybrat on my iPhone. gottdam Russians shouldn’t be wasting their time fucking with me.
  2. The first year we were married (1968) I gave my wife a steam iron for her birthday.
  3. Those emails I got at my armybrat mailbox were from the Shadow operative and Immamac. sorry, but when I click to see them, the above message comes up. Ah well, I’ll just have to go with this username because it is much more convenient to post on my iPad. But I will post occasionally from my iPhone as armybrat. I bequeath the armybrat rep to any poor soul who needs it.
  4. Since I posted on this thread I have received two email notifications at my armybrat mailbox (roadrunner address). when I click on the button to read the message here, it says: Sorry! We could not locate the item you are trying to view.
  5. Actually, I am the poster formerly known as Armybrat. Before the holidays I pushed the wrong gottdam button on my iPad gadget, and it kicked me off the board and since then has not allowed me to log back in. I’ve tried dozens of times to log back in, but doing the “forgot password?” route doesn’t even get me an email response. The only way I have been posting under my Armybrat username is on my iPhone. That is a pain in the ass since I can hardly read the damned little letters, plus I have fat fingers. Today I got the bright idea to register on my iPad under my old Shaggy username and do it with Mrs. Brat’s email address. Obviously it worked, although Mrs. Brat said she doesn’t want to get emails from any assholes here.
  6. Bought my wife a new stove for Christmas.
  7. Armybrat is dead. I am taking his place.
  8. I like old school guns....
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