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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Better to buy passes.
  2. Heading to Port Mansfield early Wednesday to prefish a tournament that occurs Saturday. I am going to give this a try. I usually fish three things down there. Topwater (Super Spook Junior Bone), gulp shrimp under a popping cork, and a Strike Pro Hunchback.
  3. Dixon is smoke though. Pure smoke.
  4. I don't think RT posts here.
  5. Happy with the hire. My understanding is the last two years at Xavier he had some pretty bad luck with injuries.
  6. Are you kidding? They were awesome in 2020 Covid year per Liucci. I mean they did get smoked by the one good team they played. But they beat 8-4 Florida as their signature win by 3 points. And won the Orange Bowl. Against a 5-loss UNC team whose entire offense was sitting out. They were right there man.
  7. Conservative women in those states are better looking than the purple haired hopelessly single fats that dominate your party.
  8. We could just read you and Brisket types unhinged reeeeeees. I think it’s called the Cloak Room. Much better content than facts that no serious person disputes.
  9. White females are members of the same exact class. Conservative ones report being much happier and report much less mental health issues than liberals. And this has been true for decades. Nonwhites, not a part of your oppressor class, report less mental health issues than whites.
  10. That's the only politics you see? In the media, hollywood, schools, universities?
  11. Conservative young women for some reason report they are a lot happier and more content. And have significantly lower rates of mental health issues and SSRI use.
  12. Don't think young women are doing well either. Especially single, progressive women. High rates of mental illness and unhappiness. High rates of SSRIs. Something about the politics they subscribe to is making them miserable.
  13. Terry should send Beard something really nice. Dude probably made $10 million or so off of Beard being an idiot. I get why we hired him. Most of us thought it would not work given his track record but were hoping for the best. I pretty much have tuned out since the EE run. Hiring the interim almost never works. Donovan is the guy I would do everything possible to hire. He would kill it at Texas.
  14. Why are we stockpiling crappy O-linemen?
  15. Just saw a video where the rescued Astronauts were praising Elon Musk.
  16. Nice work by Elon getting the astronauts home safe.
  17. Don't do this. Bowls were largely meaningless exhibitions back then.
  18. We go to our house in mountains every summer after kids return from camp. We drive because we are gone for months and take our dog. It is a full two day drive of 2,000 miles. Denver is the halfway point and we spend the night there. We leave at 5 am every time. Have for years. I do all the driving. Without fail, my wife will be up packing at 2 or 3 am every time. She stays at home. Does not work any more. I do all the driving. She does not understand why I start off the trip befuddled by her packing bullshit and getting onto her about messing up my sleep. It is not that complicated. We are going to Montana. Clothing for that is so simple. But she starts packing weeks in advance like she's planning the invasion of Normandy and still does not have shit ready the night before so I can load the truck in advance. Same shit when we go on any vacation.
  19. Mahomes went 13-19 at Texas Tech. How does that happen?
  20. I love Vail. Big mountain with something for every type of skier. Trying to figure out a way to go again this year. Probably go last week of March to Whitefish.
  21. Was mainly bombing blues and groomed blacks all day. Ran the race course 5 times. It was closed but you could get to it. Hauled ass down it. Empty and perfectly groomed.
  22. Skied Keystone today. Went from first chair to last. No real breaks. Was a beautiful day.
  23. We don’t feed them. Plenty of baitfish for them. We cull some mid sized fish every few years. But that’s it. Poaching hasn’t been an issue. We have a full time caretaker and cameras.
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