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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Congrats?
  2. Homeschooling co-ops with University Models seem to be pretty effective with people I know. Their kids absolutely crush it on standardized tests. I used to think homeschoolers were nuts. Now I do not.
  3. No.
  4. You (and several others here) should start charging rent for all the space I take up in your head.
  5. Nice start. Reporting in from section 311
  6. You’re the one recommending idiotic and dangerous shit to a suicidal family member who apparently puts her misplaced trust in you. But I’m the bad guy for calling out on your patent gross negligence and dumb fuckery.
  7. Yes. Don’t suggest to suicidal family members who have mental issues that they go out and buy a gun. Any more brain busters?
  8. I just wouldn’t recommend that. But this is the unintended consequences thread.
  9. Elon Musk is a great American. The Benjamin Franklin of our time.
  10. I get about 30 negs a day from the femcel. Whatever — along with her SSRIs — helps her get through the day.
  11. What about those who want more from AntifaPuddin’Pop?
  12. Advising your niece, who you you’ve’e suggested is suicidal, to buy a gun is something else.
  13. Bateman’s comments on lib meltdown videos are hilarious. Highly recommend her feed. She critiques their direction, lighting, framing, etc from her perspective as a director. A+ trolling.
  14. Bring a former Republican doesn’t preclude you from being a radical liberal (I’m not saying you are one). My wife was a a Clinton voter. She hated Bush 1 and 2. She’s now farther right than I am.
  15. But you see, their’s are righteous and justified because their positions are virtuous. I get ten insults for everyone I send back. You present the with some facts and logics, and 90 percent respond with emotional reeeing and insults, typically personal shit that isn’t even true.
  16. My uncle sent these from his house in Santa Fe yesterday.
  17. Great hunt with son and his friends out near Anahuac this morning. Limited out by 8:00 am. Going to put some of the teal on the grill tonight.
  18. No, went duck hunting instead. Teal on the grill tonight.
  19. Florida had half their team out when they played a&m. Obviously not the QBs. But their entire secondary was out. And their stud wr. They were not healthy.
  20. Blake had nicer hooters.
  21. I bet it’s easy to beat someone that stupid.
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