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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. I hadn’t read he was mistreated. What I read at one point, and this was back on Hornfans and was from an OU poster, is that OU had some all white segregated teams after Gault because a black player on team was hurting recruiting. Might be bullshit.
  2. Keep the fanfic coming. fwd:fwd:fwd:fwd
  3. I love being told I’m dumb by a group that includes broke ass baristas with worthless degrees and a quarter million in school loans. Or people whose best and brightest think you need a biology degree to answer a simple question like “What is a woman?” But here’s a newsflash — you cannot win an election without a whole bunch of stupid people voting for you.
  4. $1 billion spent by her campaign. Awesome.
  5. Didn’t OU integrate with Gault, but then segregate after for a bit because their white players demanded it? Could have sworn I read that somewhere.
  6. The lib performance art meltdowns are awesome.
  7. They’ve been trending MAGA since 2016. They went through Trump’s first term and went even more right. Then Biden and Harris and even more right. This isn’t something that just happened last week. Again, they don’t like the bullshit that white progressives are selling. Do you know any of them? I lived in the Valley for three years. I can speak the language pretty well. I still spend a lot of time in south Texas at the ranch. I see the explosion of flags and bumper stickers and signs in places like Duval County that used to be 90 percent Democrat. You guys don’t understand how fucked the border has become the last 4 years. You don’t understand that Hispanics aren’t cool with transgender transitions for kids or tampons in boys bathrooms. Or biological males playing against girls. They are mostly hard working people who are very patriotic and have traditional values. They have nothing in common with the typical limo liberal/government worker/academic progressive on this board. I’ve got money. But I can guarantee I could sit down with and have a lot more common with a South Texas Hispanic than most of the supposed “elites” on this board. The two families that have worked at our ranch for decades are Hispanic. We all break bread together every time we’re down there. Their politics probably are the same as they’ve always been. But they feel democrats have moved too far to the left on social issues. They love Trump because of this.
  8. Nah. Kemp got the voting shit straightened out by wiping the floor with Fat Stacy and putting her on a milk carton. We will get our GA senators back next. Elon is in charge of Penn. He’s handling it and will move on to the other blue wall states. Jersey is also ripe for the taking. But mainly, the 2030 census will fix a lot of problems with the EC for republicans.
  9. The SEC and Big 10 won it for the Don. Two best conferences did it.
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/s/0VwNi7rgc7 The reeeeing is intensifying. Shaving your head because your candidate lost? Lady needs to be red flagged.
  11. We will just have Clarence carve out some exceptions. It’s no problem.
  12. Why you have to bring that reality up? I’m just enjoying the win right now. Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win?
  13. There is still work to do. But:
  14. The good people in the Rio Grande Valley disagree with privileged white progressive liberals. But to be fair, no one can stand you assholes.
  15. That’s a damn lie. Listen to it. She’s also talking about women offended that someone called Harris a bitch or Puerto Ricans offended by the comedian. Or anyone else who “voted against their rights”.
  16. I love that these fanatical liberals think that’s a punishment. Their family already knows they are the crazy weirdo of the the family. They won’t be disappointed.
  17. The reeeeeing has been a nice and slow burn. But it’s picking up. Nice to see that Dustin Hoffman hasn’t aged too badly.
  18. That's healthy advice from a mental health professional. "Hey doc, I'm losing it because I didn't get my way, what should I do? Meditation, exercise, talk to someone?" Demented Psych lady: "those aren't healthy. You need to abandon your entire family (support system) and throw a huge fvcking tantrum... Like an adult" Of course she went to Yale Ivy Leagues are infested with poison ideology Yeah, this rock is about survival of the fittest and people who can’t mentally come to terms with one man because the media told them to is weighing the rest of the population down. People like that seriously should be quarantined. They don’t need interacting with the rest of the populace. It’s a sickness that they are incapable of overcoming and do not need to spread. This is why I worry about our mental health problem, most of the doctors/psychiatrists/social workers "treating it" are often as bat shit crazy as their patients.
  19. Hamas is responsible for every single death of every civilian in Gaza.
  20. From the side whose people were furiously googling to check if Biden was still running for president, think Covid kills 25 percent of those infected, and think police kill thousand of unarmed blacks per year.
  21. We will see. If the federal government wants to weaponize the law against you, they can sure find something. At least in my experience from clerking in the Southern District of Texas when the feds were going after all sorts of energy traders in the wake of Enron. Wire fraud and mail fraud were so broad I am not convinced that each of us could be indicted on a daily basis. Ms. Willis — who apparently likes to just transact in cash — might have the IRS pay her a visit. I mean no one is above the law, right?
  22. Democrats control the entire Harris County criminal justice system. And they suck dick at it. Swap them out with the Montgomery County outfit and crime would plummet. And the Democrats have filled our civil courts with a bunch of judges who are retarts by primarying all the competent Democrat judges who have the wrong genitalia or skin pigment. So that’s nice too.
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