That's healthy advice from a mental health professional. "Hey doc, I'm losing it because I didn't get my way, what should I do? Meditation, exercise, talk to someone?"
Demented Psych lady: "those aren't healthy. You need to abandon your entire family (support system) and throw a huge fvcking tantrum... Like an adult"
Of course she went to Yale Ivy Leagues are infested with poison ideology
Yeah, this rock is about survival of the fittest and people who can’t mentally come to terms with one man because the media told them to is weighing the rest of the population down. People like that seriously should be quarantined. They don’t need interacting with the rest of the populace. It’s a sickness that they are incapable of overcoming and do not need to spread.
This is why I worry about our mental health problem, most of the doctors/psychiatrists/social workers "treating it" are often as bat shit crazy as their patients.