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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. I responded to it. It didn’t apply. You’re wrong. And so was he.
  2. I don’t think protecting our borders from invaders that include terrorists is mission creep. Using intelligence assets to spy on an opponent’s political campaign based on fake evidence provided by the opponent is an example of weaponizing government against people. 51 former intelligence agents falsely discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop story to interfere with 2020 election is another.
  3. Were y’all calling them Latinx or putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms back then? Hispanics absolutely love that shit.
  4. It’s people who likely did little for others continuing that practice. Typical privileged white liberals.
  5. You remember when he was absolutely convinced white supremacists were lynching people in Houston a couple years ago? Because I remember.
  6. I know all about that opinion. I know very well the Susman lawyer who won the case. Its holding applies to indigent misdemeanor defendants and per se cash bail requirements. The murder i am referencing is a horse of another color. This was a violent felon with a long rap sheet. He was given low bail based on the recommendation of a Soros bought prosecutor and a progressive judge. It’s catch and release. They did not have to give low bail to this piece of shit. They did. If you switched the Harris County justice system with the Montgomery County folks, my friend would still be alive. This shit happens twice a week in Harris County. People around here are fed up and it led to a rightward shift in the local vote.
  7. It’s quoting FEMA’s response, dipshit.
  8. Damn we’re just that good.
  9. The odds of anyone, government worker or other, getting robbed, raped or killed is the highest in shithole deep blue areas. Those are the facts. And they are not in dispute.
  10. That explains why democrats didn’t show up for Kamala like they did Biden? As long as the Big Guy gets his ten percent, so what?
  11. I’m sure that’s how you would feel. Despite no rational basis for it. You’ve been brainwashed. Like the FEMA bureaucrat.
  12. Did he though? Didnt Biden and Harris piss away $40 billion and not connect a single person? maybe the big guy got his ten percent.
  13. Bullshit. The postal carrier or FEMA worker is a hell of a lot safer walking down the streets and doing their job in my red neighborhood or in the red suburbs than they would in the shithole precincts with nightly gunfire that go 90 percent blue. You people are fucking delusional.
  14. It was some bitch who was on that Beatlejuice looking freak who was Chicago‘s mayor. Tick tock. Winter is coming.
  15. Yeah, red precincts are more dangerous than blue precincts in most towns.
  16. Shit no. We can’t make it without our privileged and highly educated white liberal saviors.
  17. Yeah, Trump voters are the violent demographic one should profile. Jesus fuck off.
  18. I don’t know. I know that it is an issue that certainly has been addressed by courts under the 4th amendment’s rubric. Abortion isn’t something special. I’m sure the state wants the psyche records of someone on trial for chopping someone up. Whether the subpoena is subject to a sustained objection on 4th amendment, privilege or some other grounds is something for the courts. Abortion isn’t different.
  19. Biden/Harris America Sorry, I can't buy FEMA's response as sincere. Zero chance they didn't know about this. Though they didn't care because all of these agencies have lived in a leftist echo chamber for the last 4 years and like all leftists, they lacked the ability to consider future ramifications. They've called conservative Nazis, racists, homophobes, garbage. deplorable and threats to Democracy. They've weaponized the Justice System against political opponents, violated conservative's civil rights, targeted them with the IRS and had the FBI investigate people for merely disapproving of a little girl getting raped in a school bathroom by a transgender (that's a head scratcher). What makes it hard to believe the same people doing all of that would go out of their way to screw over conservatives in a natural disaster?
  20. This shit will be addressed. Playtime is over motherfuckers.
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