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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Pass an amendment then. Roe was shit. Even RBG thought so. Or use politics. You will probably win most of those battles in today's age. Even in red states.
  2. I do not believe the Constitution was ever meant to protect the right to kill the unborn. States traditionally -- from ratification up until the Warren Court -- had the right to have whatever laws they saw fit on abortion. If Mr. Walz is correct about what "should" be, then there can either be a constitutional amendment or some sort of federal codification of the right. Nothing stopped Democrats from doing so when they had a filibuster proof majority under Obama. They never even tried. Geography controls all sorts of rights for women and men, so I do not understand that logic. States have different laws on plenty of stuff. In one state, you will go to prison for a long time and be a registered sex offender if you have sex with a 17 year old. In others the age of consent is 18. And others it is 16. States have various criminal codes for what drugs you choose to ingest.
  3. Most people on this board appear to disagree with this sentiment (I am not one of them -- he is done in 4 years if he even survives that long).
  4. It's how it should be. A state issue that has nothing to do with the federal government or federal elections. Roe was wrongly decided. People can feel free to vote for Trump and against restrictive abortion bans. It's called federalism, and there is not enough of it.
  5. Trump has 53 or 54 GOP Senators and just won the popular vote. He can get whatever appointments he wants. He could not last time. Had 52 GOP Senators and had to deal with McCain, Murkowski, Collins, and Jeff Flake. Collins and Murkowski can vote how they want. The rest are gone.
  6. What should scare the democrats to death is that in 2030 we will have a new census. OIt is projected that the 2030 census will see at a minimum a 12 point swing in Electoral Collage votes from safe blue states to Texas, Florida, and swing states that lean GOP. Had the 2020 census been performed accurately then Trump wouldn't have even needed to win PA, Wisconsin, or Michigan to win the White House.
  7. I think gay marriage should be legal too. I have thought so for 22 years. Long before even Democrat presidential candidates expressed that belief. I am okay with plural marriages also. Consenting adults should be able to associate in marriage however they choose. (I don't want my church doing either, but that is a separate discussion).
  8. Trump was closer to winning New York, New Jersey, and Illinois than the Democrats were to winning Texas. The Democratic Party spend a ton of money thinking that they could unseat Ted Cruz. Cruz won by 10 points, and one all but 10 counties in the entire State of Texas. The Democrats also spent way more money on Ads in all the swing states. But legacy media -- which has for decades been in the tank for the left -- is dead. It's why they hate Elon so, so much. He broke their stranglehold on Big Tech.
  9. I can accept that. I really don't want them to like me. I feel like white liberals are bad people. They feel the same about me. I am okay with that.
  10. Tell those Euros Daddy is back and is no longer going to be subsidizing their defense. Time for them to pay their fair share. We might sell them LNG if Russia cuts them off and they ask nice enough.
  11. Damn right. If the shoe was on the other foot, they would be talking plenty of shit. Suck it up, buttercups.
  12. We don’t like each other. That’s okay. I do appreciate white liberals turning Hispanics toward the GOP. They also don’t like your woke shit. Or being called Latinx. Texas is now redder than New York is blue. And we only have white leftists to thank for that. The Dems have got to be shitting themselves right now. They thought that the Latino vote would be locked up for them forever. Now they are swinging hard right as they have been established in our country for a couple of generations.
  13. We both apparently like our current party’s respective positions. And damn. I absolutely detest white leftists equal or more than you guys detest me and other deplorable MAGATs. I don’t believe there is anything more malignant in this country than the white liberal progressive which have captured most of our institutions and is aiding a slow march to Marxism, the most destructive ideology of my lifetime. But your tone deafness, smugness, and inability to self reflect almost makes up for it.
  14. I think Ms. Selzer should run all polls going forward. She fucking nailed it! Covid and net neutrality killed off all their voters.
  15. I hope they never change.
  16. There is nothing compassionate about the Marxists that have infiltrated the Democratic Party. Marxism and cultural Marxism do nothing but spread misery. Always has.
  17. You just heard from the silent majority. There is a reason the polls always understate Trump’s support three elections in a row. The House The Senate President majority of governors majority of state legislatures that is called scoreboard.
  18. Why? We control it all now.
  19. You should do it. You’ve been talking about it enough. Get going.
  20. Did I say they did? Of those who could and did vote, most supported your president-elect, Donald J. Trump.
  21. Academic linguists have traditionally agreed that when we use the word "most" in English, we usually mean anything from 51 to 99 percent of given group of people or collection of objects
  22. Don’t democrats control Nevada politics? Haven’t they for a long time?
  23. You should post your paystub.
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