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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Yes. One ID. Free at your local post office. With a picture. Tied to various databases. Must be presented to vote. And for employment. And to buy a firearm. Swipe for eligibility. And states like AZ and NV need to get their shit together on elections. What’s happening is absurd. Change laws to follow states that have their shit together. Could you imagine if the election turned on Arizona and we had to wait two weeks? It’s ridiculous.
  2. What do you think Trump is going to do to your lesbian friends? I’m genuinely interested.
  3. Honestly, I don’t know. Some sort of national ID that has a bar code. Swipe it and it says whether you’re eligible to work. Could also be tied to voter reg and firearm purchase eligibility. It seems like this shouldn’t be hard
  4. Unless you want to get popped by the EEOC or invite a lawsuit for national origin discrimination. There should be a better way. And employers who turn a blind eye should be punished. Maybe there could be a bipartisan effort here.
  5. It's in the eye of the beholder. You've posted nude pics of your wife while y'all are screwing and she definitely is attractive. You definitely respect women!
  6. It's always interesting to get other people's opinion on appearance. One never really knows if they are attractive or not. But I never had trouble dating attractive women. And I was lucky to marry a beautiful and fit conservative woman. Admittedly, I had put on too much weight at one point after my brother died, and I assume that's when I was doxxed. Don't mind admitting I hated all the pictures of me back then. But I quit drinking 3 years, eat right, and workout daily. I am back at a healthy BMI and am very proud of my appearance again.
  7. First female Chief of Staff in US history
  8. These people are unstable/mentally unwell.
  9. How many are worth sleeping with? 10% max? Unless your into fat purple/blue hair with nose rings. I would recommend only dating conservative women. A whole lot better looking, nicer, and with a lot less likelihood of mental illness.
  10. A little racist there, aren't you little man?
  11. Maybe he will remain one. He currently is. We will see what the appellate courts do. But as the political maneuver the lawfare was, it failed spectacularly.
  12. Have we ever had a SCOTUS justice who failed the bar exam on their first try?
  13. You don't think the left gets misinformed by the media on topics? You remember when Morning Joe talked about Biden's mental acuity? Or liberals thinking Covid had something like a 30% mortality rate? Or this after George Floyd: We have a very misinformed electorate. That shit ain't limited to the GOP. How many idiot democrats on Tuesday had to Google whether Joe Biden was still on the ballot?
  14. How nice and bigoted of you.
  15. He's absolutely a narcissist. I think many CEO types are. Or at least have some strong tendencies of that or anti-social traits.
  16. You did not see Hillary Clinton compare the MSG rally to the 1939 Nazi rally?
  17. Poor democrats. They don't have any popular media, mainstream media, or Big Tech platforms to help them. You people really are delusional.
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