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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. If you are going to have brick and mortar, you better have a good bar that sells a lot of booze. And probably need to make money off of rubs and sauces online or at retailers. Pinkertons does both and he does well.
  2. SMU tried to in 2019. It’s in litigation. They just got bitch slapped by the Dallas Court of Appeals over the summer. They are very likely going to lose their attempt to disaffiliate with the church. Their governing documents require church approval to amend articles of incorporation/charter. They tried to amend their articles of incorporation to remove all the church’s rights of control without church approval. That issue is being litigated now. SMU has filed a petition for review with Texas Supreme Court that is pending. I strongly suspect they are going to lose.
  3. Utah is public. TCU is guess is technically somehow affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. But barely. Baylor and BYU are the only real religious schools in the Big 12.
  4. Doodles, labs, retrievers, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in my neighborhood.
  5. They did not really finish top 4 in 2020. The top 4 teams made the playoffs. Their Orange Bowl win against UNC sitting their entire offense was nothing special. We finished top 3 in 2023. A&M has not finished in the top 3 since 1939.
  6. Lived in my neighborhood for almost 20 years. I walk most of it on a daily basis. Never seen a pit bull. Don't have appliances on porches, chain link fences, or engine blocks chained to trees either.
  7. Yeah, if that dress had pockets, you'd look like a pool table. You should try my Tall & Fat stores. No offense. Just about a perfect comedy. Great cast all around, too.
  8. When I was little in the 80s we frequently hunted in 20' to 25' tower blinds in South Texas. Metal everything and a ladder to a hatch in the floor of the blind. 4' x 4'. So loud if you dropped anything. As a kid, my dad/granddad/uncles who I hunted with would bring a milk crate for me to sit on. So I basically stared at a wall for a couple hours. This was before we used feeders so often you saw nothing. These days, I kind of like the double blinds that are no more than 8' off the ground and have a stairway and porch.
  9. Is being on the spectrum a perjorative? The best plaintiffs lawyer I know has a pretty significant touch of it. And he’s private jet / $30 million River Oaks house type rich.
  10. I’ll be glad for whoever wins. I like Swift. She’s very talented and my daughter and wife have been to two of her showe. She gives the crowd their money’s worth. And given my daughter controls the radio on way to school in mornings, I think I’ve heard every song she’s recorded. Her songwriting chops are impressive to me, though I’m no music expert.
  11. He’s trying to make Fetch happen to make oblique political posts. Same thing in tell me about Texas A&M and his Qatar comments hoping someone takes the bait. Dude, we fucking get it. But you’re coming off as on the spectrum pairing that shit on football boards. Posting not pairing.
  12. Your obsession with Taylor Swift and supposed butt hurt about her regarding the game is noted. Every post on your thread is about it.
  13. Jimbo would do alright at another school. Little elf can recruit.
  14. Thank you for your service!
  15. Not sure having a super high graduation rate at a football factory is anything to brag about.
  16. I know that place! Perrini ranch steakhouse, rehab center for celebs who don't like paparazzi and not much else. Steaks are good though. Try their Sunday cowboy chuckwagon buffet. Or their burger. My favorite restaurant in this state.
  17. That does not appear to be true. And again, inflation adjusted state and local spending on higher education is up almost 200% since 1977. Enrollment is up less than 100%.
  18. I have killed a lot of coyotes out of a deer blind using a call. I take a bluetooth speaker with me and put it on the porch of the blind. Turn on for a couple minutes low volume for any close by. Then turn off for a bit before turning volume on higher. I probably get one about 20 percent of the time I do this. But I do it a lot.
  19. Inflation adjusted public funding of higher education is up almost 200% since 1977. The number of students in higher education has increased about 70% since that time. So the per capita inflation adjusted spend is significantly higher than it was 45 years ago when Boomers were in college. The state never came close to funding 90% of higher education. If you look at this, the tuition piece has been pretty close to constant for the last 30 years (when most of us were in college).
  20. It has to do with the discussion in this thread. Because someone suggested early on that he was okay with strict liability.
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