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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. It should be legal everywhere. Hate that it takes so long for it to happen. An issue I disagree with many in my party on. I see no reason for alcohol to be legal and pot illegal. I dislike the smell and it being everywhere in public, but that's my only gripe. And I feel like once it's legal, people eventually chill with the public consumption. I spend summers in the mountains. When it was first legal in Colorado for a couple years it seems like I smelled pot every where I went. Now, I barely notice.
  2. The Democrat party is one huge narcissistic circle jerk. The first rule about that is that it is you and not them. So the autopsy of this election cycle will be someone else's fault. I am okay with them keeping that line of thinking. The Democrat party is wildly attractive to people with mental illnesses, especially narcissists. All you have to look at is the core traits that make someone a narcissist. 1. No ability for self reflection. If they get a negative response, it's on the other person. Not them. They are perfect. 2. No ability for accountability. Ties in to #1. 3. Narcissists LOVE echo chambers. They have no ability to receive and process thoughts other than their own. This is why college campuses have become giant narcissistic echo chambers. Anyone who does not think like them infuriates them and causes them to lash out. All that said to point out that there's a fractional chance they'll look in the mirror and be honest with themselves, but they don't have the ability. This is good news for the GOP.
  3. Democrats are typically pretty stingy with their charitable giving. Maybe you're an exception.
  4. Glad the Democrats abstain from such viewpoints. Despite us all being deplorable racist, sexist, fascist, and really dumb knuckle draggers.
  5. Had they just elected Kamala, all their dreams would have come true. Too bad they were so dumb.
  6. So was "lefty" pointing a gun at Rittenhouse's head. All fun and games.
  7. You're in the minority. Trump just was vindicated by a majority of the electorate.
  8. Since those prosecutions were political, it's a political expense.
  9. You see Congressman lives are worth more than the security guards or janitors.
  10. I am at about 150 grams of protein per day. Protein shakes before morning gym and before evening run. I eat a couple elk or Axis hamburger patties each day for lunch. Does the source of protein matter? Is a chicken breast better than a shake?
  11. Yeah, fuck them janitors and security guards.
  12. If people like you think so, no.
  13. If you say so.
  14. I wish all liberals would follow through and move already. Don't threaten me with a good time.
  15. The American people just voted. And the verdict was Not Guilty.
  16. So there is no longer a gender wage gap? Cool. Salary by Age and Gender in the U.S. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Table with 5 columns and 7 rows. Age Female Median Annual Wage Female Median Hourly Wage Male Median Annual Wage Male Median Average Hourly Wage 16 to 19 years old $31,096 $14.95 $32,188 $15.48 20 to 24 years old $36,504 $17.55 $40,612 $19.53 25 to 34 years old $50,440 $24.25 $56,420 $27.13 35 to 44 years old $57,824 $27.80 $69,108 $33.23 45 to 54 years old $57,096 $27.45 $72,228 $34.73 55 to 64 years old $54,288 $26.10 $72,436 $34.83 65 years and older $48,152 $23.15 $62,400 $30.00
  17. I'd hate libs of tik tok too if I was a leftist. Cockroaches hate when the lights are turned on them.
  18. Americans don't give a fuck about January 6 despite all the pearl clutching and theatrics from the left. The real threat to democracy was the attempted Russian collusion coup and Banana Republic lawfare. Most Americans agree with me on this, as is evidenced by the ass kicking Trump just gave you.
  19. At least the Lincoln Project grifters took a bunch of money from progressives. It's a sin to let suckers keep their money. That and all the money they wasted in Texas on Wendy Davis Beto O'Rourke Collin Allred warms my soul.
  20. I am waiting to see if they will admit the Michael Brown shooting was justified despite him being unarmed. And that the Ferguson riots were not justified and premised upon a lie.
  21. It's called gaslighting. They should be embarrassed about the Russian collusion shit and Hugo getting 10s of thousands of rep attaboys from their circle jerk. But nope, they just say it really did not happen. These people are too far gone.
  22. And everyone stood up and clapped!
  23. You should tough guy.
  24. fwd:fwd:fwd:fwd:fwd
  25. This shithole is ill informed. Four years of pee tapes and Russia collusion lapped up by dipshits. Trump is a Russian asset. The embarrassing election predictions. Reeing about Nazis and Fascists. Fucking dorks. Again. This is Texags politics. Just the other side of the coin.
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