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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Those words "unsecured/poorly secured" as a qualifier means you are taking it outside of strict liability.
  2. My son has a hunting license issued by the state of Texas and has taken the required state mandated hunter safety course. As such, he is licensed to hunt by himself with a firearm by the state of Texas. He is 14 years old. But as you say he is licensed by a separate authority (the State of Texas) that has adjudicated his competence to hunt outside of my supervision, and issued a license to do so. If he decides to go nuts without warning and shoot someone with one of my guns, I should not be criminally liable based on strict liability. If I had reason to know he was a danger to others like these Michigan parents, and the state can prove the requisite degree of criminal negligence, then I should suffer the criminal consequences. Truth is the riskiest thing I allow him to do at the ranch is drive the side by side.
  3. For the record, I like all of them. But I really like what I saw out of Blue the last few games.
  4. I think there should be a certain mens rea for holding a parent criminally accountable for a kid misusing something and hurting or killing someone, whether it is a car, firearm, chemicals, baseball bat, etc. Here, you have what seems like pretty clear gross negligence by the parents.
  5. Be an asshole all you want. I never said anything about the facts of the case. I was discussing whether strict liability should be imposed on crimes committed by kids with guns. This case was not a strict liability case, you dumb fuck. The state had to prove a certain mens rea. I certainly have no problem with liability in "this case".
  6. Strictly liable criminally? What if they get drunk and kill someone driving your car? Same rule since you handed them the keys?
  7. Yes, Baxter got more touches than Blue. Clearly that's all that matters. The staff also thought Baxter was better than Brooks last fall. The staff was wrong.
  8. I think Blue is the better receiver. Blue also averaged 6.1 per carry compared to 4.8 for Baxter. I tend to favor Blue slightly, though I am glad to have both. I really like guys who can house it on any play.
  9. I don't think I have ever posted a single thing about Taylor Swift.
  10. It's become an obsession with white knights like I've never seen: "zomg, male football fans hate Taylor so much". Literally no one give a shit. It's like the trashy couple that thinks " everyone is always trying to break us up"
  11. Some people would like the football board to just be one thread.
  12. The Oilers 1992-93 team really was not that good. They went 10-6 and their defense under Jim Eddy was mediocre. The 1993-94 team that lost to Montana was so much better. They started 1-4 because they changed the entire defense. And then won 11 in a row once Buddy Ryan got the defense going, even beating a strong San Fran team on the road and holding them to 7 points. The 1993 team was the one that could have given Dallas a game. Dallas would have destroyed the 1992 Oilers.
  13. The KC loss in playoffs next year was worse. That Oiler team was so much better and could have given us an all Texas Super Bowl.
  14. I like Burton and Hamilton the most. CJ is coming on strong. I still think Wadlington is smart and a talented writer. I like his occasional podcasts. Kelson is really good. I also like Rod Babers, though his voice might bother some and he gets repetitive -- though I think anyone who has to talk in a podcast as much as these guys is going to be repetitive. Nahlin, Wells, Chip Brown, 247 are just awful. Orangebloods is on a different level of suck from even that group. They don't even try.
  15. I never heard of Glasscock until about a month ago, but I'm pretty sure we are now doomed. j/k Sucks to lose someone in Belmont who was good at their job and added value (considering how much waste like Plonsky and most of her reports). Hope Sark hires the best replacement possible.
  16. Between drinking 99.9999 percent of my coffee at work or old fashioned drip at home or ranch, I bet my lifetime cost per cup is around a penny.
  17. Probably going to get a new trial. Due to clerk being an idiot.
  18. I asked this earlier and got no answer. Does anyone know why Sherrone Moore went to JUCO out of high school? Usually, it's either the player was not a big prospect or they were not very bright/studious. Do we know which for Moore?
  19. I know one of the Houston guys who funds NIL. He’s my age. Don’t think he can do what he’s done the last couple years indefinitely. My understanding is we need more guys like him and that CDC recognizes this. Maybe he can get some of the old money guys to direct money from LHF to TOF. Hopefully our professional class/entrepreneurs like many of us can get a high percentage to make monthly donations.
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