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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. You’ll see. Don’t need to explain myself. I don’t owe you shit. The people did the bidding last night. You beat political opponents in elections. Not with corrupt and biased judicial systems.
  2. That case is going to get tossed. You fascists used courts and corrupt political prosecutors to go after your enemies. Payback is about to be a motherfucker. Lawyer up. It ain’t going to be cheap. The American people just told you loud and clear what they think of your bullshit.
  3. It was based on a tweet I saw hours ago. I guess it’s still up in the air.
  4. Just got done running 5 miles. Now at daughter’s tumbling practice. You probably can’t relate to either.
  5. Have you left for England left? Or are you in your apartment alone with your cats?
  6. I think it’s 54. Ralston says the GOP will win Nevada.
  7. Maybe they’d be better served being rabid political nuts like cloak roomers.
  8. Sorry to disappoint you. No trust fund. Have not inherited anything either. Making money ain’t that hard.
  9. We need white liberals — renowned for their civility, kindness and measured speech — to teach all of us miscreants their virtuous ways.
  10. You ever think maybe your constant hysterics contributed to her desire to live overseas? Assuming you’re like this in real life? You need help. Life is good. Your team has taken a loss. Dust yourself off and get back to it. Politics will swing back. They always do. We live in about the safest and most prosperous time in history. Being born healthy in this country = privilege. You act like you live in a war zone or something.
  11. What you nut jobs believe doesn’t change realities. See last night.
  12. How much have you drank today? Be honest.
  13. You watching Kamala concede? She's been drinking. Slurring words.
  14. Yeah. The conversation is shitting on young conservative males is okay. But don't shit on liberal females. Fuck off.
  15. Sorry. My wife is both very smart and a smoke show. You're probably single or married to an ugly beast,. And I would never get involved with a liberal woman. Unattractive. Annoying. Too much mental illness risk.
  16. Don't you teach at the University of Texas?
  17. Most liberal women are both unattractive and annoying, no matter what success they might have professionally. Young males are better off avoiding them. Look at single women. They are overwhelmingly liberal and were the misfit type in high school and college. Married women are not. They lean GOP and were more the sorority type in college. Most men don't give a shit if their wives are successful professionals. Most value a host of other things before their mate's earning potential. Plenty of attractive and conservative women. Those are the ones who get married and are happy with life. Many could be very successful professionals -- have my friends' wives (and mine) have MDs, MBAs, or JDs. But most give that up once they have kids. That's what it's like in my social circle. Maybe 10% of the wives keep their careers as it is too difficult to balance with raising kids. And my friends and I make enough where we don't need dual incomes. I think young males seeking mates and liberal professionally successful women don't want each other equally.
  18. We prefer deplorables. We also will accept garbage.
  19. The American people didn’t believe that. And democrats way outspent republicans.
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