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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. I remember our WRs dropping multiple perfectly thrown deep balls against UW that would have been touchdowns.
  2. In their mind, the SEC is so much better than the Big 12 that it means their schedule had to be harder. But they ignore the patsies they schedule nonconference, which is 1/3 of their schedule. They ignore their permanent nonconference rival South Carolina is basically next to Vandy the worst program in the SEC. They ignore that they often avoid the best teams in the East. They have played Georgia once since 2012. They ignore 8 games versus 9 games in conference. They also ignore that until this year the Big 12 played a round robin. That means you aren't avoiding anyone. And how bottom Big 12 teams still have competent quarterbacks and modern offenses that can beat you on any given day. They have very little ability to critically think or make self assessments. It's why when Billy tells them that Texas had a two game season, they parrot it. When in fact Texas played 7 games against top 30 teams. And a top 30 team can beat you quite frequently, especially when you get them on the road. A&M played 4 top 30 teams -- Alabama, LSU, Tennessee, and Ole Miss. And lost to each one of them. Aggies could never admit we played a tougher schedule. It craters their world view.
  3. Billy Liucci claims we had a weak schedule. The Ags believe him. The truth is that Texas, I think in about 80% of the years since the Ags left the Big 12, has had the harder schedule than A&M. A lot of that is due to them playing UGA only once, typically having only 4 road games, playing nonconference pansies, and getting South Carolina as their permanent rivals. That way they can, in their good years, win their nonconference patsies, South Carolina, and three other scrub SEC teams and brag about going 8-4 in the brutal SEC. Which is like going undefeated in the BDF.
  4. Given their schedule next year, which is the hardest schedule I've ever seen, it was probably wise to let Napier have another year so the new guy isn't starting off 4-8.
  5. In my life, it's 1. VY 2. Colt 3. Ewers 4. Ehlinger 5. Brown/Applewhite/Simms
  6. About 20 years ago right after law school, I lived in a townhouse right off Caroline and Webster near the bus stop. Thank God the little 3-plex was gated. It was a New Orleans style place with 3 levels and balconies on the top 2 floors. My roommate and I used to sit out on the balcony drinking and watch the drug deals go down. Was a really nice building in the heart of Hamsterdam.
  7. Getting mine through the Texans as my grandparents are investors. Not sure how many I can get. But if I have extras, I will offer them here at whatever I paid.
  8. You have missed a lot of free entertainment.
  9. I’d take a qb like Thompson as a backup assuming he’d be willing to just be a backup. He’d have been better than Maalik by a mile. FSU could have used someone of his ability instead of the two garbage backups they rolled out. A Casey Thompson type can do well enough to throw to the weapons FsU has where they would have had two blowouts the last two weeks and made the playoffs. The delta between what FSU had at starter and backups is what kept them out of playoffs. Biggest delta I’ve seen since VY and Nordgren. The kind of delta that is worth 20 points or so. We only need a portal backup if Ewers leaves. We are set otherwise.
  10. By Billy Liucci September 1, 2021 Key notes from Billy Liucci interview You're going to see this contract be 10 years, starting from now, with an average right around $9 million per year. You're starting the existing deal over with a significant raise to make him the second-highest paid coach in the SEC behind Nick Saban and one of the highest-paid in college football. This is a great deal. We're going to look at it again as a great bargain. We've been talking about it for the last three years and how wrong people were the first time. Now they're doing it again. People don't seem to understand the no-buyout thing, and that makes me laugh. The buyout is $9 million a year, $90 million guaranteed. Nick Saban doesn't look like he's going to retire anytime soon, but say Alabama comes after Jimbo Fisher in three years when Saban is done. That's the only school that could take Fisher with the money that Texas A&M is paying. If Alabama does that, it means the next three years have been really good in Aggieland. A buyout does nothing. When was the last time a school didn't hire a coach they wanted because of a buyout? Do you think a one-year buyout, another $9 million, would keep A&M from going to get a coach? The buyout is $90 million. It also keeps the coach here. It's like the SEC not having a grant of rights. The SEC basically says, "You want to leave? Go." I don't think there is any danger of Fisher leaving. The danger is losing money. If it doesn't work, you lose money. Everyone is making a big deal about it, but it's like me and Olin living in the same neighborhood. If I saw him driving a Maserati, that's Olin's business. Not mine. The way the media is acting would be like me walking around the neighborhood calling Olin an idiot for spending that money on a car. Who's the idiot in that scenario? A&M is three years into this, and they have a pretty good idea of what they're investing in. People are saying it's only one good year, but it's not. It's one great year and three years of progress. Jimbo's first year was a nice, strong season. They finished ranked and won a bowl game, playing great football at the end of the year. His third year was a top-five finish, an Orange Bowl championship and a legitimate argument to be in the playoff. In 12 years as a coach, Fisher has a national title, a playoff berth and another top-five finish. He probably has five top-ten finishes in 12 years to go along with that. At what point do you look at that resume and say that Fisher is an elite head coach in this game? He is. It's not debatable. Texas A&M has a coach that is among the very best, the top five, in this game. If you look at what Fisher is doing in recruiting and don't feel extremely confident in your investment, I don't know what to tell you.Regarding the timing, coaches don't like negotiating during the season. What if Texas A&M reached the playoff this year and LSU spiraled? I think Texas A&M did the right thing. We got our guy, and he's locked up for as long as he wants to coach.This guy won a national title. He won 27 of 28 games with Jameis Winston in 2013 and 2014. People want to say it was all Winston, but you can't take away a guy's best player. If you take away Vince Young, what did Mack Brown do? Take away Joe Burrow, Ed O doesn't win a championship. I know what Dan Mullen has done, and I know what Jim Harbaugh has done. What in the hell have they done that Jimbo hasn't done? Mullen won a New Year's Six game, and Florida caught some criticism for that extension. The blowback shows how big the spotlight is on Texas A&M and Jimbo Fisher. For the people that say A&M isn't relevant, you're hearing most of that from Texas, Oklahoma and some from LSU. They're whining fake tough guys. If you say a negative thing about Oklahoma, the Sooners go insane. Somebody asked me if I'd rather have Lincoln Riley or Jimbo at Texas A&M, at the answer is Jimbo. Riley is a good coach, but he coaches in a league where he has five times the talent as anybody he plays. They're both good coaches, but it's apples to oranges. Jimbo Fisher is a great fit at Texas A&M. Texas might be the most delusional fanbase in American sports. They're loud on Twitter. They get these talking points, and no matter how bad their team is or how good things are going in College Station, they cannot come off their talking points. How much money did they pay to fire Herman and hire Steve Sarkisian? We know what Sark has done. You want to boil it down to Fisher not winning a title in three years? You spent $75 million to hire Sarkisian. LSU is just scared. They had that great year and smoked the Aggies in 2019, but they've lost two of three to Texas A&M. Jimbo Fisher is the guy they've tried to hire twice. Ed Orgeron is a trainwreck of a coach, and they know it. They were hoping they could possibly hire Fisher at some point, and the Aggies just put up a wall around College Station. A day ago, what was the big cry coming out of Austin, Baton Rouge and Norman? That Fisher would be in Baton Rouge in a year. That was the battle cry from those three fanbases, and they wouldn't shut up about it. Today, 10 years and $90 million later, A&M is stupid for paying it? It's a constantly moving target.
  11. They could have recruited or portaled a QB who could throw more than 60 yards. If they had a Spencer Sanders or Max Johnson as a backup, they score a reasonable amount of points and blowout Florida and Louisville. Then they are in. But both backups they trotted out were not even average. In fact, they were so terrible every one who watched knew that had no hope of competing.
  12. Someone needs to tweet at Billy that Texas played 7 opponents in the top 30 and won 6 of them. I think that's the most in all of college football.
  13. He looks like a Make a Wish kid
  14. Bama is like night and day better than they were in September. We all saw how great they looked 8 days ago against a team that had just lost by 21 from some team from somewhere in Mexico. And look how well Milroe is playing now. Early in the season he clearly could not pass. And now he can. Milroe Pass Rating by game: MTSU -- 217.8 Texas -- 140.8 Ole Miss -- 177.1 Miss State -- 198.1 A&M -- 169.3 Arkansas -- 174.2 Tennessee -- 176.6 LSU -- 145.2 Kentucky -- 193.4 Auburn -- 184.4 UGA -- 155.3 September Avg Pass Rating --183.5 October Avg Pass Rating -- 173 November/December Avg Pass Rating -- 169.25
  15. The Big 12 was not rancid. There were a lot of quality teams that could beat you. 7 teams in the top 30 per Sagarin. Texas went 5-1 in those games.
  16. We need the little whiffs of potential success at A&M to feed their coach worship and irrational exuberance. That makes the inevitable downfall and their reactions so much sweeter.
  17. My eye test teals me Oklahoma State would have beaten FSU, Louisville, and Iowa on a neutral field.
  18. When you lose to Alabama by 30 and your best win is a 4-loss Florida team that OU boat raced by 32, you know in your heart that it was them durn 'sips and their minions at ESiPN that kept noble A&M out of their rightful place in the playoffs. 2020 A&M basically had the exact same resume as 2023 Texas. Just BS politics and 'sip back deals.
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