My wife does not work. Kids are in school and her life is pretty damn easy. She is a very good wife. She stays in shape, has pretty routine lunches with her friends, and takes care of house/kids after school. Like me she is a licensed attorney and will occasionally work off and on. She also handles kid doctor visits. Yesterday she spent an hour on the phone with health insurance and a couple medical providers about some bills one or both combined to screw up.
Like many on hear, I have a stressful job. Deal with problems most all day long. Yesterday was a doozy for me. I am getting ready to have a trial that's going to require me to be out of town for a month. We are locking and loading. I was on phones or zooms all day preparing. Dropped daughter off at school at 7:30 then went to office. Did not get home until 9 or so.
She wants to give me a detailed play by play of her multiple extended phone calls. I am never in the mood for that, but especially after the day I just had (and the week). Apparently telling her I do not want her to replay her phone calls makes me an asshole. She gets defensive and pissed when I tell her to just fast forward to the end and don't subject me to every detail of her misery. But no one wants to hear that shit. Tell me you had a long and frustrating call with those folks. Don't give me all the details. I don't ever do that to her, and believe me I deal with inane or frustrating bullshit every day. I am happy to talk about your day and let's focus on positive things and maybe even negative things I can actually do something about. But I don't want to re-live every slightly bad experience you had when the conclusion was everything worked out fine and there was nothing for me to do.