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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Mainlining booze every day ages you quick. I quit drinking a couple years ago. I look younger than I did 5 years ago now.
  2. I’ve heard his attention to detail extends to player pregame meals. They have them precisely 45 minutes before kickoff. Not 30. Not one hour. 45 minutes. It’s like he studied the best time for a pregame meals. That plus no longer traveling on Thursday is worth at least two extra wins.
  3. Meanwhile, Weigman will have his own personal stat on the ag scoreboard
  4. I’ve heard great things about Ian Boyd. Maybe pay him to generate content? Maybe pay him by the word?
  5. Can’t wait to laugh at them when they get stranded in the ACC after all the decent teams leave.
  6. Now to be fair they had glorious wins over 8-4 Florida by three points (same team OU beat by 30+) and by a 4 loss UNC team whose entire offense opted out of the Orange Bowl. Per Liucci, that was an awesome team that should have been in the playoffs and was equivalent to Texas' 2023 team.
  7. Ollie Gordon YPC since his monster 10 YPC games against WVU and Cincy: 4.2 2.1 6.6 4.9 2.6 4.4
  8. Ollie Gordon is very unlikeable. Glad our defense made him look like a bitch. I think he is a little overrated. The Tech running back is better than him. And Brooks is a lot better. Gordon had some monster games when they switched schemes. Defenses then adjusted. He has not been impressive his last 4-5 games, from the eye test. And he is a bitch.
  9. And it only cost them $75 million, which they will be cash flowing out of their AD for the next 7 years. Quite a bargain.
  10. The old open letter: 411 Views | 7 Replies | Last: 2 min ago by Player To Be Named Later BestAg 4:57p AG Shemar, Aggieland knows you're mulling a one-more year vs NFL decision. All Ags will support whatever you decide, but this thread is posted to give you more to think about on the stay option. You know the glory years are the collegiate years, the glory at A&M is like no other, and you have one more with texas coming to Kyle next year. No doubt you will lead and dominate in that game. There is no better defensive coach than coach Elko. You will be the centerpiece of the Ags defense next year, and then you will be even better prepared for the NFL. Then Texas A&M will take care of you after the NFL. All Ags are hoping you stay one more year! 24
  11. A nurse. So you know there’s a 99.9 percent chance of her being a whore.
  12. We were on an extended family trip in Costa Rica from the 16th to the 23rd. Did not get back until late on the 23rd and were hosting wife's family for Christmas. So we had a lot to do. I have never had more (obvious) instructions in my life. Like 2 seconds before I was about to do something, she would tell me to do it. Or ask about it. Or start correcting what I was in the process of. I was constantly working around house all day on 24th and until we served lunch for Christmas. Which is fine. I like hosting. But she was just wearing me out. I finally told her to pause her mouth at least one minute before asking me to do something. Because I was tired of it and she knows it is a pet peeve of mine for her type A ass to be asking me to do something I am in the process of doing or to be micromanaging how I choose to do something. No, I can fucking thaw out the turkeys and brisket I smoked just fine like I do on a monthly basis at the ranch. I finally told her if I did not do it within that minute, to go ahead. But I am not an idiot. I know exactly what needs to be done. But lay the fuck off me with instructions or task lists unless and until you see me idle on the couch,. My speech went over well! Just kidding, it did not. But we are cool, and I love her.
  13. I cannot imagine as an adult giving a single fuck about getting a Christmas gift.
  14. Our high school TE recruiting between Sanders and Washington has been pretty suspect.
  15. I said before our game that Gordon struggled some down the stretch because he was banged up and overused. He will go off tonight after having almost a month off.
  16. It was light and felt good to handle. Has good reviews. I just bought one. Price in link Armbrat posted was best deal I could find.
  17. My bad. I thought you were asking budget on pistol. For the AR, up to $2k without optics. I would prefer to be in $1500 range. I held the Ruger SFAR last night. It was pretty awesome feeling. I may just go with that. Thanks so much for all the info.
  18. Budget is probably $1k. Not really worried about that. I have a small Ruger pocket pistol that has a 5 round magazine I will carry on occasion. Usually if I am jogging late at night or early in morning. Or running errands/wearing athletic shorts. I will continue to use it for that. I keep a FN 5.7 in my truck console safe. But it is too big to EDC. I have several other pistols, including a Glock 40 cal and a Sig .45 that I absolutely love (but it is way too big to carry comfortably). I also have several revolvers. But I never use them and they are too bulky. I want something that I will carry on me routinely -- I wear a coat to the office M to F and to church on Sunday -- that is bigger than my little pocket pistol I jog with but smaller than my other pistols. I went to Collectors last night. And the Academy right next to it. I really liked the Sig P365 XL and the Hellcat. I am leaning Sig because I love my other Sig. I have had a carry permit since I turned 21. I have never carried much -- other than keeping one in my truck safe. But I am starting to feel the need to carry more often as I live inside the loop Houston and there has been more riff raff now than I have noticed in my 20 years of living inside the city. I think I am going to start making it a habit.
  19. I want an ar in a 308 and 6.5 Creedmoor Carroll’s is great. It and that place in Eagle Lake are two of my favorite gun stores. I also am looking at a new pistol for carrying. What I have now is either too big or too small. I want a true small carry 9mm. Thinking about the Sig P365XL.
  20. I usually buy guns from Carrolls in Wharton. I am looking to buy a couple extra ARs today or tomorrow in calibers I don't have. Any reccos in Houston? I don't feel like driving to Wharton today. Is Collectors worth a damn? I bought from them 20 years ago and thought they were assholes. But that is not uncommon in the gun world. Carters usually does not have the best collection, IIRC.
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